Next one 4/6 at 2 p.m. ET!
#ForwardFocus: Talks in Trying Times We're committed to bringing you timely, virtual conversations to connect you to the news, to each other, and to The Forward. We hope you'll join us. Can't make these times? They will be recorded and available on our website. |
A Plague of our Own April 6 2 p.m. ET What do the Ten Plagues from the Book of Exodus have to teach us about the pandemic we are experiencing? And how can the coronavirus crisis deepen our understanding of the Ten Plagues? As we all think about how to do Seders in this new normal, Jodi Rudoren will host a conversation with Deborah Lipstadt, Tema Smith, Benjamin Wittes, Noah Lubin, Molly Jong Fast, Virginia Heffernan, and other contributors to the Forward’s special collection of essays on these themes. The webinar will take place on Monday, April 6 at 2 p.m. ET. Register here. |
Look to the Helpers: Caring for Vulnerable Populations April 14 2 p.m. ET On Passover, it is tradition to practice ma’ot chitim, providing the poor with matzah. This feels especially relevant this year amid a pandemic that is causing economic hardship and a public health crisis. How can we help our community in this critical time while practicing social distancing? Jodi Rudoren; Eric Fingerhut, CEO, Jewish Federations of North America; Rabbi David Rosenn, Executive Director of Hebrew Free Loan Society and other Jewish nonprofit leaders give advice on how to be a mensch this year. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, April 14 at 2 p.m. ET. Register here. |
Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitic? April 21 12 p.m. ET Join Forward contributing columnists Joel Swanson and Ari Hoffman for a debate moderated by opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon on an issue that has embroiled the Jewish community of late. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, April 21 at 12 p.m. ET. Register here. |
Past Conversations Couldn't make it to one of our virtual talks? Watch the recordings: Parenting in a Pandemic Jodi Rudoren hosted a conversation about home-schooling, canceled B’nei mitzvah, and what will happen to camps, featuring David Bryfman, CEO of The Jewish Education Project; Meira Colton, 7th grader at Seattle Girls’ School; Jeremy Fingerman, CEO of Foundation for Jewish Camp; Meredith Lewis, Director of Content, Education and Family Experience at PJ Library. A Fraught Conversation: Racism and Anti-Semitism in Politics Listen to the panelists explore the ways in which racism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of hatred play out in the political landscape, and share their perspectives on what needs to be done to create more effective partnerships across lines of race, class, and faith. |
The Forward is a nonprofit organization and is supported by the contributions of its readers. Your support enables our critical work and contributes to a vibrant, connected global Jewish community. |