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April 10, 2024
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Part 1: Auto Accident Litigation: How to have the clients chasing you!
Part 1: Auto Accident Litigation: How to have the clients chasing you!
Starting with the facts Have a look at this scenario. It's Friday night, and for you one more week at the office is finally over. You're drained-used-up-exhausted-for the thousand reasons only another lawyer will understand.

Latest Lawsuit News & Legal Information

No More Free Security Checks in California
No More Free Security Checks in California
Santa Clara, CA In a recent California Supreme Court ruling, a worker’s time spent on an employer’s premises undergoing security checks is compensable as hours worked, but time spent driving from the security gate to the parking lot does not qualify as “hours worked”. This California labor law decision emphasizes that the extent of employer control is what mainly defines the classification of "hours worked."

Johnson & Johnson Strikes Back
Johnson & Johnson Strikes Back
Trenton, NJ On March 27, District Court Judge Michael Shipp issued a brief order that permits J&J to contest scientific evidence linking talc products to ovarian cancer. The ruling could seriously disrupt the 53,796 talcum powder lawsuits that have been consolidated in the District Court for the District of New Jersey. The order cites recent changes in the law and new scientific evidence. The changes in law – specifically the federal rules governing expert witnesses -- may have a significant impact on class action lawsuits in general.

PFAS-Mesh-Talc-ERISA-3M Qui Tam-CA Labor?

5 Effective Drug Possession Defense Strategies
5 Effective Drug Possession Defense Strategies
Santa Clara, CA Should you find yourself charged with possession of a controlled substance, understand that an arrest doesn't equate to a conviction. Such criminal law offenses are viewed with considerable gravity across many states, yet there exist numerous defense tactics that could be leveraged to contest the charges you're facing, tailored according to your case's specifics.

Gig Economy Company Settles Wage Theft Lawsuit for $2.1 Million
Gig Economy Company Settles Wage Theft Lawsuit for $2.1 Million
San Francisco, CA Qwick, a gig economy online staffing company for hotel and restaurant workers, is required to pay its misclassified California workers $1.5 million in restitution and convert all workers to employees. This agreement settles a misclassification lawsuit brought by the City Attorney of San Francisco and it significantly reclassifies thousands of workers – permanently. Misclassified as independent contractors, workers will now be entitled to employee rights and benefits.

Meat Processors Pay $127.2 Million to Settle Wage-Fixing Case
Meat Processors Pay $127.2 Million to Settle Wage-Fixing Case
Lincoln, NE Plaintiffs in a wage-fixing class-action lawsuit asked a judge in Colorado federal court to preliminarily approve deals with two meat processors. In early March, Brazil’s JBS, the world’s largest beef producer, agreed to pay $55 million and Arkansas-based Tyson will pay $72.25 million to settle a complaint involving several companies that allegedly participated in a nationwide scheme to fix and depress wages for meat plant workers.

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