Brexit just took us one step away from the United Federation Of Planets
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Brexit / EU Scrabble (Jeff Djevdet/Flickr)
Sunday - June 26, 2016 Sun - 06/26/16
rantnrave:// Our new MediaREDEF SET - Brexit. WTF or Hooray? An absolutely and admittedly exhaustive look at everything we are reading in regards to this historic decision by the British voters. It's a mind melter... 10 months after a close call and quad-bypass heart surgery I did 8.5 miles in walks yesterday. I'm rarely proud of myself but this was big for me. I'm sure I didn't live so I could see TRUMP be elected POTUS... Where's the SOPA army during this election?... Manifestations of cries for help are often irrational #Trump #Brexit #etc... I'm a fan of caning those that send me placement solicitation emails as if we have a conversation going. We don't. We never did. As JOSHUA SCHACTER points out they "then self-reply endlessly with 'just following up'". We need a blocklist or again, caning... I have such an itchy publish finger when I write. I wish I could afford a copy editor... BOB LEFSETZ points out what I feel. Especially as a curator. The Overwhelming Decade. I need a global pause button... I'm in an abusive relationship with my CMS... The lines at the MUSICAL.LY booth at VIDCON were 3x any other booth sans any influencers or stars... Happy Birthday to MICHAEL BLOOM and CHARLES FULFORD.
- Jason Hirschhorn, curator
REDEF MediaSET: Brexit. WTF or Hooray?
by MediaREDEF
An absolutely and admittedly exhaustive look at everything we are reading in regards to this historic decision by the British voters. It's a mind-melter.
MUST READ: Esquire's One Year Out
by Dave Holmes
A lot can happen in a year. On June 26, 2014-one year before the Obergefell v. Hodges decision-marriage was an option for same-sex couples in twenty states. Twenty-eight states had constitutional amendments banning marriage equality. If you were married in Massachusetts and you had to move to Michigan, by the time you got there, you'd be roommates.
Fortune Magazine
Can Xiaomi Live Up to Its $45 Billion Hype?
by Scott Cendrowski
The “Apple of China” gets a reality check as its smartphone sales slump.
The New Yorker
Casual Sex: Everyone Is Doing It
by Lucas Gardner
Zhana Vrangalova had hit a problem. On a blustery day in early spring, sitting in a small coffee shop near the campus of New York University, where she is an adjunct professor of psychology, she was unable to load onto her laptop the Web site that we had met to discuss.
Aspen Ideas Festival
Rethinking Criminal Justice
by Marc A. Levin
Marc A. Levin is director of the Center for Effective Justice at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and policy director of its Right on Crime initiative. He spoke at the Aspen Ideas Festival on June 26th on a panel called "A New Era For American Justice: The Bipartisan Reform Movement." We caught up with Levin to learn more about what it takes to decrease crime and recidivism rates.
The New Yorker
The Big Fight Over Fossils
by Benjamin Wallace-Wells
Lee Berger has uncovered bone and tooth fragments that he claims alter the story of our origins. Does the science hold up?
Vanity Fair
Kanye West on His “Famous” Video, Which Might Be His Most Thought-Provoking Work Yet
by Dirk Standen
The artist speaks to about George Bush, Kim’s co-sign, and why his life is “walking performance art.”
Media startups without a mission will crash and burn, Brian Lam says
by Eric Johnson and Peter Kafka
The journalist-turned-founder of The Wirecutter says business should chase both money and quality.
Fortune Magazine
China’s Cyber Spying on the U.S. Has Drastically Changed
by Robert Hackett
Last year United States President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping entered into a dubious agreement during Xi's first state visit: No more hacking one another's businesses. Military and political espionage? Fair game. Industry? Hands off. Hackers allegedly sponsored by China had been ransacking U.S.
The Mystifying Triumph of Hope Hicks, Donald Trump's Right-Hand Woman
by Olivia Nuzzi
One day you're just a smiley PR lackey; the next, you're a major operative in the nuttiest campaign in decades. Such is the strange year in the life of Hope Hicks, the 27-year-old accidental press secretary for Donald Trump. How did she get here? And how much longer can she last?
The Telegraph
Flat out: McLaren boss Mike Flewitt on driving into the future
by Alan Tovey
"I don't have average days, I have great days," says Mike Flewitt, chief executive of sports car manufacturer McLaren Automotive. He's speaking in the company's futuristic headquarters in Woking - a Bond villain's lair if ever there was one, with its glass gantries and "boulevard" displaying priceless historic racing cars - and runs through what his day has held.
If You Want to See the Future of Healthcare, Watch the Cable Industry & What Happened to Newspapers
by Dave Chase
Written with Craig Lack, Broker Whisperer for independent health care consultants The great unbundling is coming to the cable industry and already happened to the newspaper industry. For decades the cable providers transformed the television industry, first as a substitute, and then ultimately as the disruptive force behind the demise of [...]
Michael Phelps' Final Turn
by Wayne Drehs
With his curtain call weeks away, the greatest swimmer of all time hopes to put his nightmares behind him and embrace life on dry land.
Business Insider
AOL's consumer brands boss Jimmy Maymann talks to us about M&A, the Gawker trial, and virtual reality ambitions
by Lara O'Reilly
In August last year, Huffington Post CEO Jimmy Maymann was promoted to oversee all of AOL's content and consumer brands. That includes everything from TechCrunch, to, to parent company Verizon's video streaming service Go90.
Google, Facebook quietly move toward automatic blocking of extremist videos
by Joseph Menn and Dustin Volz
Some of the web's biggest destinations for watching videos have quietly started using automation to remove extremist content from their sites, according to two people familiar with the process.
Murdoch Brothers Assert Their Power With Bold Moves at Fox
by James Rainey,
In the first months after James and Lachlan Murdoch rose to the top of their family's media empire, change was slow to come - so much so that some observers wondered if, and when, the brothers would step out from their father's formidable shadow. This story first appeared in the June 21, 2016 issue of Variety.
The New York Times
Sheryl Sandberg on the Myth of the Catty Woman
by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
Let’s demolish the outdated notion that women in positions of power are bad for other women.
The Daily Beast
Who Really Killed a Playboy Terrorist?
by Shane Harris
Plenty of people wanted Mustafa Badreddine dead. There were the Saudis, who blamed him for terror attacks in the kingdom and against its allies abroad. The Israelis had already once tried to assassinate Badreddine, the military commander of Hezbollah and one of the most important and powerful figures in the organization.
Hollywood Reporter
Watch Hollywood Reporter's Drama Actress Roundtable on SundanceTV With Jennifer Lopez, Kerry Washington and More
by THR Staff
"I've always been fascinated by how much more well-behaved we have to be than men," says Jennifer Lopez, as she and Kerry Washington join Julianna Margulies, Sarah Paulson, Kirsten Dunst, Regina King and Constance Zimmer on THR's Drama Actress Roundtable.
Telecoms open shop on Madison Avenue, but will brands buy?
by Adam Cohen-Aslatei
Many companies have transformed and realigned their focus with great success. Avon transitioned from peddling books door-to-door to marketing beauty products. Wrigley started as a soap and baking soda company. IBM originally sold massive mainframe computers and calculators. Now, telecom companies are making similar pivots into a lucrative industry.
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