ITVT is pleased to highlight the following panel at TVOT SF 2022 (October 12th and 13th in San Francisco; register here; view the full agenda here).
October 12th (Wednesday)
2:05-2:50PM Ballroom Shoppable TV: Next-Gen Commerce Monetizes Brands Across Platforms
No longer a novelty, transactional television is becoming increasingly exciting and relevant. Brands understand that their best 360° strategies integrate legacy TV, online, Web3 and location-based tactics. Audience engagement, branded series, and direct calls-to-action are among the creative and technical tools brands, agencies and their platform partners employ. This session outlines the deals underpinning this new wave of tcommerce and offers examples of applications/campaigns leading the charge with content yielding maximum impact. Panelists include:
Allison Dollar, CEO, Interactive Television Alliance (Moderator)
InteractiveTV Today - TMRW Corp. - TV of Tomorrow Show 1147 Naples Street San Francisco, California 94112 USA
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