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13 Days Left to Save These Wolves

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed stripping gray wolves of their Endangered Species Act protections—just when they are finally starting to recover. Over the last eight years, an estimated 3,500 gray wolves have been killed in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. We only have until July 15 to voice our opposition to this shortsighted plan.

Tell USFWS Deputy Director Margaret Everson not to delist the gray wolf.

Really? That’s It?

Over the course of four hours in last week’s Democratic presidential debate double-header in Miami, less than 10 minutes total were devoted to the subject of climate change—and this in a host city that faces imminent inundation due to rising sea levels. We need a debate that doesn’t give short shrift to the greatest existential threat we face today.

Add your name if you want the Democratic National Committee to host a #ClimateDebate.
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No Fracked-Gas Mega-Project

The Trump administration is trying to ram through the largest fracked-gas export terminal on the West Coast, in southern Oregon. Completing the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal would be equivalent to bringing 15 new coal plants online, and the associated 229-mile-long Pacific Connector pipeline would threaten the Rogue, Umpqua, Coos, and Klamath Rivers. The public comment period ends this Friday, July 6.

Tell the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that you strongly oppose the Jordan Cove LNG project.

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Photo by Zac Ribbing
Fun and Affordable Service Trips

Give back to wild places this year on a volunteer vacation. Assist with trail maintenance, removing invasive plants, or renovation and research projects, with free time to hike, relax, or explore your scenic surroundings.

See all of the Sierra Club's service trips.

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Photo by Shadrakhov
There's No Place for Gas Beyond Carbon

In order to prevent a climate calamity, we can't afford even to use all of the fossil gas reserves that we already know about—much less find and extract new ones. Yet instead of backing away from disaster, fossil fuel companies want to frack more shale gas.

Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune explains why moving Beyond Carbon will mean replacing fossil gas everywhere—sooner than you might think.

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Photo by Douglas Barnes
The Utah Way

What began as a grassroots movement to transition from dirty energy in a politically conservative state has evolved into a negotiation process that local politicians—to the amusement and occasional dismay of residents—have dubbed "the Utah way.”

Can the Utah way lead to clear blue skies in a deep-red state?

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Growing a Green New Deal

Join Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune for a Tele-Town Hall on July 16 about the Green New Deal and some of the first steps we can take to make that vision a reality. Activists like you are critical to the success of this bold plan to curb climate change, address inequality, and create good jobs.

RSVP now for the Tele-Town Hall.

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Photo-illustration by D-Keine/Getty Images
The US Recycling System Is Garbage

China has stopped taking poor-quality recyclables from the United States. What does that mean for recycling programs across the country? Could it catalyze a reimagining and reinvention of the recycling industry?

“A funny thing happened on recycling's road to the graveyard,‘’ writes Pulitzer Prize–winner Edward Humes.

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Illustration by Steve Brodner
Who Wants to Kill the Electric Car This Time?

The Koch brothers, who own the second-largest privately held fossil fuel company in the US, really don’t want you to stop buying gas. That’s why one of their reactionary front groups has created something called the Energy Equality Coalition—with the goal of taking away tax credits for electric vehicles.

Which states are feeling the heat from the Kochs’ campaign to save gas guzzlers?

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Photo by Joanne Kilgour
Reading Is Ready

On the 100th anniversary of the Pennsylvania legislature ratifying women’s voting rights, Sierra Club volunteer Stephanie Anderson stood with 100 other activists before the female-majority Reading City Council as it unanimously passed a resolution committing the city to 100% clean energy by 2050. “This resolution represents the strength of collective voice,” Anderson says.

“By passing it we commit ourselves to each other.”

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Watch: Is There Earth-Friendly Disposable Dishware?

"Hey, Mr. Green," writes Dorinda in East Lansing, Michigan. “Our church uses washable dishware most times, but we keep a supply of disposable cups and plates. It's time to order more, and there are many to choose from. Is the best choice paper with no wax? Paper with wax? Styrofoam?”

The Sierra Club’s maestro of multiple-use doesn’t treat the question as a throwaway.

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July 6 Is National Hop-a-Park Day

Have you heard of Hop-a-Park Day? We’re just learning about this super fun holiday with the super fun name. On July 6, Team Sierra teammates across the country will head to their community parks to picnic, pick up trash, and pay homage to our local green spaces. In honor of our community parks, we’re raising funds to protect our planet—and anyone who raises $100 or more will get a brand new “Doing Good by Nature” cap.

Set up your fundraising page and go out and get that cap this Saturday.

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Roundup Doesn’t Just Kill Weeds

Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup, tried to kill a government toxicology report on glyphosate, the popular weedkiller’s main active ingredient. Now that a draft report is out, pesticide companies are pulling out all the stops to remove any mention of the link between glyphosate and cancer.

Tell the Department of Health & Human Services to resist industry pressure and finish its health assessment.

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Bald Eagle Set—20% Off!

Your generous donation will support the Sierra Club's work, including its conservation efforts to protect bald eagles in New York's Adirondack Park and other magnificent wild places, so they can be enjoyed for generations to come.

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Use promotion code EAGLE for 20% off.


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