Editor's Note: Hey, Amanda here. I wanted to share with you a direct message from national radio host and former CIA officer Buck Sexton. It is critical you read this. - Amanda Heckman, Publisher
Invitation From Buck Sexton for Feb 12
Hey, Buck Sexton here. I wanted to reach out because, on February 12, I'll be hosting what I believe will be my most important interview of the year... It's not with President Trump, Jordan Peterson or anyone else I've talked to for my radio show in the past... It's with my father, Mason Sexton. Why should you care? Because my dad was one of Wall Street's most respected analysts in the 80s. He called the crash of '87 "practically down to the day," the Chicago Tribune said. With The Economist writing "he could be the new guru." After that famous call, my father withdrew from the public eye. And all his forecasts over the following 30+ years-including when he called the bottom of the 2009 crash... the top (and bottom) of the Covid crash, and the exact peak of the market in early 2022-were kept private. Reserved for the hedge funds that pay him up to $10,000 a month for his insights. But, on February 12, that all changes... Because, after hearing the chilling details of my father's latest forecast for 2025 to 2027-with a significant event he believes could happen in the next 6 weeks and could disrupt President Trump's second term... I urged him to go public with his prediction. And he agreed. So, if you want to join me on the 12 to get all the details, including the exact date the trouble could start, and what you can do to prepare... Reserve your spot right now by clicking here. You may not like what you hear, but at least you'll be warned. Stay safe, Buck Sexton |