Dear reader,

For all of us, perhaps especially for American Jews, the upcoming election may be the most consequential in American history. And yet, with each development in this rapidly changing news cycle, a new wave of disinformation, conspiracy theories and flat out lies emerge, too.

At the Forward, we are committed to one thing: reporting with courage, integrity and truth. You can trust our journalism and analysis to help you understand what’s at stake and what matters most in the midst of our divided political environment.

Being a journalist is deeply complex in a world where we can’t seem to agree on the same facts. But each time I write a story, I know that more than a century of Forward reporters before me have faced the same task. I do my job as they did, with accountability to you, our readers.

Today, we remain focused on reporting on the stakes for the American Jewish community during this election cycle. No matter who is in the White House next year, we’ll be here to bring you the news, with clear, fact-based reporting that cuts through the noise.

I’m asking for your support so that we have the resources we need in the critical weeks ahead. Make your monthly commitment now and your first six monthly gifts will go twice as far supporting our political reporting.

With gratitude,

Jacob Kornbluh
Senior Political Reporter

The Forward

P.S. Independent political Jewish journalism is more important than ever this year. Make a monthly or one-time High Holiday gift to sustain the Forward in the year ahead.

If your gift crossed paths with this message, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your contribution. Your support of the Forward is so appreciated!

The Forward is committed to trustworthy, accessible, independent journalism that deepens our understanding of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.