FCC lied about DDoS attack during net neutrality comment process, blames former CIO

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CSO Salted Hash

Aug 08, 2018
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Inside Dropbox and Microsoft Office phishing attacks | Salted Hash, Ep. SC03

Today on Salted Hash, we're going to look at a phishing attack that targeted me directly. It's got a few interesting elements, including a weak attempt to spoof an HTTPS connection, and a sort of hybrid lure, which starts as Dropbox but ends at Microsoft Office. Read More

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FCC lied about DDoS attack during net neutrality comment process, blames former CIO
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Introducing Kit Hunter, a phishing kit detection script | Salted Hash, Ep. 40
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White Paper: Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Securing Privileged Access with Hitachi ID Privileged Access Manager (PAM)

Privileged accounts, like their name suggests, are accounts designed to provide broad access to systems and data. They are an integral part of every IT infrastructure and play a key role in a large variety of day-to-day operations. Read More

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FCC lied about DDoS attack during net neutrality comment process, blames former CIO

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says a DDoS attack did not take out the net neutrality comment site, and he blames the former FCC CIO for providing incorrect information. Read More

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Refresh your networking skills with this Cisco CCNA training suite

Over 30 hours of digital content across 399 lectures, which can be viewed on your computer or mobile device. Read More

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Preparing for the day quantum computing cracks public-key cryptography: What to do now

Quantum computers could crack public-key encryption in as little as five years. Here's how to prepare for the post-quantum world. Read More

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What are deepfakes? How and why they work

Once the bailiwick of Hollywood special effects studios with multi-million-dollar budgets, now anyone can download deepfake software and use machine learning to make believable fake videos. This makes a lot of people nervous. Read More

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Introducing Kit Hunter, a phishing kit detection script | Salted Hash, Ep. 40

Kit Hunter is a basic Python script that will run on Linux or Windows. When you run Kit Hunter it searches web directories for phishing kits based on common kit elements located in the tag file. If there is a match, it logs the results and offers detailed context on the detections. Read More

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Cybersecurity acronyms businesses need to know

The cybersecurity market is becoming saturated with numerous acronyms representing technologies and concepts that may be alien to many. Here is a breakdown of some of the most common acronyms, how they relate to each other, and where they can fit into your business. Read More

White Paper: Bronze Drum Consulting

How Powerful New Technologies are Powering a Real-Time Revolution in Capital Markets

Discover how machine learning, informed by rich, streaming data, is helping business leaders transform financial services is this white paper from Bronze Drum Consulting. By leveraging cloud services, financial service firms now have the power to put real-time streaming data to work. Read More

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1. How to conduct a proper GDPR audit: 4 key steps
2. 5 tips for getting started with DevSecOps
3. What it takes to build a zero trust network
4. How to perform a risk assessment: Rethinking the process
5. 11 tips for prioritizing security spending
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