| THIS WEEK'S TOP STORIES | | | | Stroke: First aid | An easy way to remember the warning signs of a stroke is with the acronym FAST: Face, Arms, Speech and Time. Knowing what to look for could help save someone's life. | | | Complementary and alternative medicine | | | Just how popular is complementary and alternative medicine? Nearly 30 percent of adults have tried it. From ancient healing systems to supplements, see what's involved. | | | | |
| TRUSTED HEALTH TOOLS | | Use our Symptom Checker to explore possible causes of your symptoms based upon Mayo Clinic's patient care experience. | | Use these simple calculators and self-assessments for personalized health tips. | | | |
| HEALTH TIP | | 5 ways to avoid secondhand smoke | Want to avoid secondhand smoke? Try these tips: 1. Don't allow smoking in your home. 2. Don't allow smoking in your vehicle. 3. Insist that smoking restrictions be enforced at work. 4. Choose smoke-free care facilities for children and aging loved ones. 5. Patronize businesses with no-smoking policies. | | Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover even more healthy lifestyle topics at MayoClinic.org. |