Dear Friends,
From our beginnings on MPR in 1991 through our modern-day evolution into a podcast, we have found so much pride, purpose, and pleasure in crafting episodes of The Writer’s Almanac for you. The bonds between our host, his staff, the poets, and the audience have been the most magical part of the entire enterprise: we have loved hearing from you about what makes a good poem and what the host might want to highlight from the historical record, and we have had so much fun coordinating with poets regarding their new works and videos they’ve contributed to The Writer’s Almanac social media pages. Let us not forget that your generous donations kept us going these past several years, and we cannot thank you enough for that.
It is with mixed feelings that we announce the end of the podcast version of The Writer’s Almanac. There are other projects to attend to, and our staff is considerably smaller than it once was, so we will be closing this chapter of our journey at the end of May.
Although we will no longer produce new audio segments for distribution to podcast platforms, we will still send a daily Writer’s Almanac e-newsletter, this time via our Substack email platform. This newsletter will highlight anniversary episodes from years past and will include a link to the archived audio for that day. (Keep in mind: some material will necessarily be out of date as the host might say something like, “Twenty years ago today …”).
The plan is to transfer your subscription automatically to Substack the last week of May and terminate the current platform (Mailchimp). It will be free to subscribe to this newsletter, but as always, donations for this service would be welcome via Substack,, or a check to Prairie Home Productions, PO Box 490610, Blaine, MN 55449.
Thank you for being a vital part of The Writer’s Almanac for over 30 years and we hope that you will enjoy receiving this new newsletter featuring anniversary episodes. 
With gratitude,
Garrison Keillor & the staff of The Writer’s Almanac


Copyright © Garrison Keillor, Prairie Home Productions. All rights reserved.
*Garrison Keillor Newsletter*

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