Important information on the merger of CTC advanced and CETECOM to form cetecom advanced
Now it has come the day from which we also formally appear and act as the joint company cetecom advanced. Our teams have already actively worked together in the transition phase for the satisfaction of our customers. We are pleased that the merger of the two companies CETECOM GmbH and CTC advanced GmbH to form cetecom advanced GmbH has now also been offcially and legally completed.
In the course of this merger, in addition to the change of the company name, there is other information for you that is relevant. This includes, among other things, a new commercial register number or contact addresses. We would like to draw your attention to this information today.
If you still have questions or need further information, please contact your cetecom advanced contact or simply reply to this email.
We will be glad to help you.
Your cetecom advanced team.