IMF’s Lagarde raises concerns over Big Tech’s FinServ push, Visa on What’s Next for Visa Next, EMVCo releases SRC standard



June 10, 2019

Instant Issuance

Visa’s Shrauger On What’s Next (And Why Now) For Visa Next

The Visa Next platform, which debuted in April, gives issuing banks and partners ready access to APIs to build, test and launch new digital-first payment products. In a new discussion, Sam Shrauger, SVP, global issuer and consumer solutions at Visa, and Karen Webster discuss what’s next for Visa Next — and where Visa sees its greatest impact — right now.



Open Banking

Token CEO: Why Open Banking Is Really ‘Closed Banking’

Open Banking is brand new — but maybe not, says Limited CEO Steve Kirsch. He says PSD2 and a lack of standardized APIs is setting consumers back. One must look no farther than the World Wide Web for evidence — and guidance. Here’s why.



PODCAST: Consumer Trust

Will The 2020s Be The Digital Trust Decade?

The role of trust in the digital economy will become even more important over the next decade, particularly as mobile commerce and the gig economy expand. Interac Chief Officer of Innovation Labs and New Ventures Debbie Gamble explains what trust really means to digital commerce and payments as 2019 tilts toward 2020, and how online and mobile players can make sure they’re on the right path.



Regulating Big Tech

The Only Thing Missing From The Big Tech Breakup Debate: A Debate

Bashing Big Tech has become something of a sport. The narrative is that all Big Tech is BAD — and its bigness and badness are hurting consumers, and stifling competition. What’s missing from the bashing and breakup talks, Karen Webster says, is an honest and balanced debate about where we are and what to do. She’d like to start that debate with something that’s relatively important when talking about breaking up the companies that drive competition and consumer choice: the facts.




What's Hot

Deutsche Bank Auditors Found AML Process Weaknesses

EU Mobile Wallet Players, Alipay Team On QR Code Interoperability

White House Wants Extension For Part Of Huawei Ban

CFPB Pushes Pause On Payday Rule

EMVCo Releases SRC Standard

P2P Lenders Look To New Regs To Purge Competitors

US AGs Prepare Probes Into Big Tech

Huawei Blacklist Could Impact 5G Standards

IMF’s Lagarde Raises Concerns Over Big Tech’s FinServ Push

Bitcoin Daily: G20 Wants Regulators To Monitor Crypto Risks; Coinroom Crypto Exchange Abruptly Shuts Down

Best Of Yesterday 

Mastercard’s Digital Wellness Suite: Curing What Ails Digital Checkout

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