If You’re Looking for Financial Freedom in 2025, Stocks Aren’t Enough |
When I first recommended bitcoin (BTC) in 2016, the entire crypto market was worth about $7 billion… |
About 460 of the 500 companies on the 2016 Forbes Fortune 500 had larger market caps. |
A year later, bitcoin rose 138%… from $420 per coin to about $1,000. By 2019, the value of the crypto market skyrocketed to about $130 billion… an increase of more than 1,700% in just three years. |
Today, the entire crypto market is worth $3.6 trillion, with bitcoin alone making up nearly $2 trillion of that. |
So, in about less than a decade, we saw an entire market sector go from being worth less than the average Fortune 500 company… To being worth more than the combined market caps of global credit card giants and Fortune 500 mainstays Visa (V), Mastercard (MA), and American Express (AXP). |
If you want a visual representation of bitcoin’s rise, take a look at the chart below from the website Infinite Market Cap. As you can see, bitcoin is now among the top 10 in global assets by market cap. |
| Source: Infinite Market Cap |
In a bit over a decade, bitcoin has grown to have a higher market valuation than silver. And at one point in December – when it was trading over $108,000 – had a market cap higher than Amazon. |
Here’s why I’m telling you this… |
You’ve been told your entire life that if you want a shot at complete financial freedom, you have to invest for decades and decades in the stock market. |
That’s Wall Street’s playbook, and it’s anything but true… |
I know because I worked on Wall Street for more than 15 years. First as a vice president at Shearson Lehman Brothers. And then as head of my own private equity fund. |
Wall Street promises you freedom… on its terms… and laughs all the way to the bank with your money. The ugly truth is that most people never reach the level of freedom they want… not even after decades of investing. |
They’re stuck on Wall Street’s treadmill while being told financial freedom is just around the corner. If you want true financial freedom, you will need to think outside the box. |
And for the past decade, I’ve been showing people how to think outside the “wealth-building” box by investing in cryptocurrency. |
The Market Isn’t an Automatic Wealth Machine |
The stock market isn’t this automatic wealth machine that everybody believes it is. |
Can you move the needle on your net worth by investing in stocks? Yes. |
But it depends on your timing and the valuation of the market when you invest. Those two variables make a huge difference on your returns. |
To make this easy for you, the S&P 500 has averaged 12.96% annual gains since 2009. If you’d put $10,000 into a fund that tracks the S&P 500 at the start of the 2009 bull market, it’d be worth $70,274 today. |
Just think about that. |
This is one of the longest-running bull markets in history. And yet, using the numbers above and assuming the market will never revert to its non-bull-market 8% average… It would still take you 42 years to save $1.7 million with a $10,000 starting stake. |
Crypto is the only asset class I know of that gives you the opportunity to make those types of gains in weeks or months instead of years or decades. |
And arguably no one has given more everyday people the chance to change their lives through crypto than I have. |
Since 2016, I’ve recommended 28 crypto tokens that have given my readers the chance to make 1,000%-plus gains. Meaning they could have turned an initial investment of $1,000 into $367,000 in Binance… $543,000 in Ethereum… And over $1.5 million in Neo – sometimes in less than a year. |
Let’s put that in context of your retirement. |
The average American believes he needs to save at least $1.46 million to retire comfortably. But he actually has only $88,400 in retirement savings. But if you had access to my research in 2016, you could have bridged that $1.46 million gap with just a $1,000 invested in one coin, NEO. |
Making that kind of money in less than a year will transform your financial life. It’ll make your dreams real now — not in some distant future 25 years down the line when you will be too old to fully enjoy that financial freedom. |
The beauty of the approach I use in crypto assets has to do with using small, uniform position sizes. |
So even if an idea doesn’t work out – since the investment amount is so small – at most, you’ve risked a nice night out on the town with your significant other. It’s no big deal. |
That’s how you supercharge your wealth-building without putting your current lifestyle at risk. |
You Need to Think Outside the Box to Make Money in 2025 |
Friends, if you’re behind on your retirement plans or your financial goals… and you’re looking for a way to catch up… you have to start thinking outside the box. |
And the best “outside-the-box” investing idea I can think of is the digital asset class. |
It’s foolish to listen to the mainstream media when it comes to crypto. They’ve been wrong ever since they predicted the death of bitcoin when it traded for pennies per coin. |
As for Warren Buffett, known as the most successful stock market investor of all time (and a noted crypto skeptic)... He made his money when U.S. stocks were trading at 6x earnings. Today, the S&P 500 trades at 30x its trailing earnings. |
When stocks were cheap, they were a great way to build wealth. But stocks aren’t cheap anymore. |
That’s why if you listen to the traditional media and traditional Wall Street businessmen, you’ll miss out on the next wave of crypto profits. And that seismic shift is coming sooner than you may think. |
Here’s what I mean… |
A week before Election Day 2024, I went on camera and predicted President Trump would return to the White House. I also said his victory would trigger a huge rally in crypto. |
Since President Trump’s victory on November 5, bitcoin has been up as much as 60%. And altcoins like Iota saw jumps like 300%... Ripple, 353%... Stellar, 393%... and Hedera, 576%. |
Those aren’t just one-off examples. My readers have also had a chance to benefit. Tokens I recommended last year have been up as much as 1,000%. And we’re just starting to warm up. |
Think about it… |
Soon, we’ll have the first ever pro-crypto President… He’ll govern with the first ever pro-crypto Congress. And he’s surrounded himself with pro-crypto advisors and crypto enthusiasts like Elon Musk and Vice President-elect JD Vance. |
That alone is a game changer because for the first time ever, we’ll now have the full power of the U.S. government on our side. |
But as big as President Trump’s victory was for crypto in 2024, it’s NOT the full story. Some people only have a few pieces of the puzzle. |
And on Tuesday, January 14, at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll put the entire puzzle together during a special event I’m calling Freedom 2025. |
During this event, I’ll show you how President Trump’s reelection is creating a rare window for everyday folks to turn a handful of $1,000 investments into their Freedom Number. And potentially do it within 12 months. |
I call this event Freedom 2025 because the crypto investing method I’ll reveal during this event could help you achieve your Freedom Number in 2025. That’s the amount of money you need to live the life you’ve always wanted to live. |
The mainstream financial press will tell you that you need to invest in the stock market for decades to reach this number. |
But I can tell you from personal experience that crypto has changed my life. It’s delivered more wealth to me than when I worked on Wall Street. |
More importantly, it’s changed the financial lives of thousands of my readers for the better. |
For example, this email is from a subscriber named Tim: |
Teeka, I've been following your recommendations for a little over two years. In that time frame I gained about 100x. I appreciate your help. |
Bill D. sent in this email: |
My portfolio now is around $550,000. Just waiting for the next bull market to really take off. Looking forward to more good advice. Thanks, and best wishes. |
And I love this message from Jill C. |
I used a $200 position size across the board. Through your recommendations, I was able to pay a downpayment on an investment property. Coins like BNB, LINK, and so many others really made great returns for me. I can tell you without a doubt or moment’s hesitation that without your wisdom on crypto investing, I would be in a dire financial place in my life. There is no one I trust and believe more in the world of finance than you. |
Friends, think about that. With just a $200 stake, you could change your life. That’s what’s at stake in 2025: Your financial freedom. |
So click here to reserve your free spot to Freedom 2025 on Tuesday, January 14, at 8 p.m. ET… |
And let me show you how you can potentially achieve your financial freedom in less than 12 months by positioning yourself in the right tokens using a brand-new method I have never revealed before. |
Let the Game Come to You! |
Big T |