Dear John,

I don't know about you but every now and then I get stuck. Fortunately my #1 mentor, my Dad, taught me how to recognize quickly when I get stuck and how to get unstuck.

Just a few weeks ago I started to feel a little bit stuck so I did what Dad taught me, I dove into reading and learning new ideas.

This action of reading and learning sparked my creativity and suddenly my momentum was back. One line from what I read lit me on fire - "the way you see your future determines your thinking today." Zig Ziglar

When I started to get crystal clear on the future I wanted to create, my thinking changed from uncertain and cautious to confident and solution focused. The second part of the quote from Dad is just as powerful

"Your thinking today determines your performance today."

Thinking drives performance which drives results. This is the key to overcoming so many of life's challenges.

Whatever challenge you’re facing—if there’s an area in your life where you’re not THRIVING, I believe inviting mentors into your life is key to the success and fulfillment you’re looking for.

That’s why I want to share this book with you.

It’s called Mentor to Millions, and it’s a deep and personal book that will help you tap into the immeasurable power of mentorship to achieve growth and success in all areas of life. When I read the book it inspired me and touched me in a profound way. You can read the forward and prologue I wrote for the book with your purchase.

The book is written by my friends Kevin Harrington, pioneer of the “As Seen on TV” empire and the “original shark” on Shark Tank, and his mentee Mark Timm, serial entrepreneur and CEO. I have had some great times with both Kevin and Mark, but none compare to our trip to Brazil a few years ago when we led a two day training for a group of entrepreneurs. This picture was taken overlooking the skyline of Sao Paulo Brazil.


Mentor to Millions will show you how to tap into the power of mentorship in your own life, and:

… achieve success both professionally and personally

… become a better mentor and leader, both at home and at work

… balance both work and business - these two things can coexist, and you can succeed at both!

I believe this is one of those life-changing, must-read books, so here’s my challenge to you -

Mark and Kevin have given me permission to share a special link where you can order the book and also receive amazing bonuses designed for your success.

Go ahead and buy three copies… one for someone you consider a mentor in your own life, one for yourself, and one for someone else who you can mentor and share your knowledge with.

It’s a great way to jump-start the power of mentorship in your life and change the lives of others at the same time.

Choose to Win!

Proud son of Zig Ziglar

P.S. When you order the book in hard copy, you will also get the audiobook for completely free on the same day it launches! ( Most publishers don't offer the audiobook until some time after the book launches )

Here is a tip for you: Listen to the audio book and when you receive the hard copy of the book go through it making notes in the margin with specific ideas on how you are going to apply what you learned to your personal and professional life. If possible, mention a family member's Name in your note about how it will impact your relationship with them. Now your book is an intentional LEGACY builder!

There are also a ton of other bonuses you don't want to miss! Find out more about the bonuses here.

P.P.S. I had the privilege of writing the foreward to this incredible book AND you get it FREE after you complete your purchase. I can't wait for you to dive in!


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306