A roundup of TNR’s books and culture reporting
A roundup of TNR’s books and culture reporting The most promising leaders on the left today are not elected politicians. |
Every morning, TNR’s Greg Sargent takes a critical look at the day’s political news, gives you the rundown on the top stories from NewRepublic.com, and speaks to leading journalists and newsmakers. |
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If the 2005 film relied on explosive star power, the new TV version works harder for its payoffs. |
When the author began to transition in her 60s, she saw a lifetime of experiences in a new light. |
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Journalist Rachel Nolan investigates tens of thousands of forced adoptions and the U.S. policy that enabled them. |
A decade ago, the series turned viewers into sleuths, hotly debating plot details and clues. That era of TV is over. | {{#if }} Get the most out of TNR’s breaking news and in-depth analysis with our new membership subscriptions, featuring exclusive benefits that help you dive deeper into today’s top stories. | {{/if}} A college professor explains the real causes of a hotly debated phenomenon. |
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Experience Ireland and Northern Ireland through a unique "dual narrative" perspective, with Catholic and Protestant tour guides sharing their communities’ histories and stories. You’ll enrich your understanding of the conflict’s personal nature, while gaining insight into how peace was built and the hard work so many are still doing to sustain it today. |