HSE is continuing to inspect schools across Great Britain to assess how well they are managing the risks from asbestos.  The findings of our 2023 to 2024 inspections show that most schools are complying with their legal duties and have effective systems in place to manage and monitor the condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).  However, there are some common areas where schools continue to require improvements. Most of these relate to failings in their management systems and include key findings that schools should: ensure staff and organisations have clear roles and responsibilities for managing asbestos and have deputies or contingency plans in place to cover for absences  check that when contractors tender for work that there is a permit-to-work or similar safe system of work in place have clear asbestos management plans including how information is provided to emergency services who attend site  include photographs of ACMs in their asbestos registers to assist with identifying their locations and condition  check that in-house staff carrying out maintenance work on or near asbestos have a method statement, also known as a plan of work provide appropriate asbestos training for in-house staff and ensure that external contractors are appropriately trained Similar issues were identified in our 2022 to 2023 inspection report into the management of asbestos in schools. Schools may want to consider these findings to ensure that their management arrangements remain effective and that common areas of improvement identified during these visits have been addressed. HSE is carrying out further inspections to schools across Great Britain in 2025 to 2026. HSEâs Asbestos â Your Duty campaign provides additional free resources to support dutyholders with the legal duty to manage asbestos in buildings.â¯â¯Â  Visit HSE's website for further information on: asbestos in schools asbestos management checklist for schools the duty to manage asbestos in buildings: Overview The Department for Education (DfE) has updated its guidance on managing asbestos in school and college buildings. The guidance provides clear information on duties for managing asbestos and resources for those responsible for maintaining school and college buildings. While the guidance is aimed at schools in England, it contains useful information for schools and colleges across Great Britain. Further information can be found on GOV.UK: Managing asbestos in your school or college |