Natural News Insider ( ) - please forward ![Organic Raw Cashews]( As one of the most nutritious superfoods, organic, raw cashews are loaded with healthy fats, protein fiber and other essential nutrients that allow them to offer numerous health benefits. However, due to supply chain shortages, as well as substantial crop failures across the globe, finding a clean and reliable source of organic raw cashews has become much more difficult. That's why, after extensive searching and lab testing, the Health Ranger Store has finally been able to acquire limited quantities of ultra-clean Health Ranger Select Organic Raw Cashews (Whole & Pieces). Sourced from trusted growers around the world, our organic raw cashews are grown under strict organic standards and are never treated with fumigation or radiation. They contain no GMOs, additives, preservatives or processing aids and are raw, non-China and certified Kosher and organic. We confirm their cleanliness with in-house laboratory testing for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology. And since many
cashews products on the market are contaminated with dangerous aflatoxins, we also put our premium cashews through additional aflatoxin lab testing to ensure quality and purity. Supplies are strictly limited, so stock up on organic raw cashews now, while supplies last. Shop Now |