In 2016, utilities invested over $1 billion in distributed energy companies.
How utility investment in distributed energy is facilitating decentralization
The investment arms of 42 utilities in North America and Europe have committed $2.9 billion to distributed energy companies since 2010.

Utility Investments in Distributed Energy Companies, 2010 - 2016

Recently, GTM Research compiled a proprietary database of DER investments that utility companies in North America and Europe have made since 2010. Utilities are building these investment portfolios to explore the potential value of DERs and increase customer engagement. For more data and analysis on utility investment, download GTM Research's free paper, Utility Investments in Distributed Energy.
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Key trends in numbers:
37 — Most investments have resulted in minority stakes, but 37 distributed energy companies that have been fully acquired by utility companies.

$1 billion — Investment volumes have increased substantially over the last two years, with over $1 billion of the total coming in 2016 alone.

Five — Five of the seven most active investors are headquartered in Europe, but a larger number of North American utilities have made at least one investment.
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