Question of the Day |
Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor): | |
More Conversion Questions | |
I have this code in SQL Server 2019. select 4.0 * N'1111.0' What is the result when I run this? | |
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Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor) |
Service Broker Issues If I want to check Service Broker conversations for issues or problems with the configuration of Service Broker services, which utility should I use? Answer: ssbdiagnose Explanation: The ssbdiagnose utility is used for these purposes. Ref: ssbdiagnose utility - |
Database Pros Who Need Your Help |
Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
SQL Server 2017 - Administration |
Backup directly to cloud storage for 1.5 tb database - Today we looking to take backup from on prem SQL to cloud storage in blob storage directly and DB size is 1.5 tb, network speed 100 mbps. Yes, its possible to do backup directly to cloud storage blob. But want to know which method this copy / backup can work like AZ copy or any […] |
SQL Server 2016 - Administration |
Permissions for Conflict Viewer - Hi, I'm trying to find the minimum permissions necessary to give a user access to the Replication Conflict Viewer and allow user to view and resolve conflicts in Management Studio. |
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL |
How to drill down in recursive cte? - I have the following working example: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS consignment_levels; GO CREATE TABLE consignment_levels( consignment_id INT NOT NULL, parent_id CHAR(10) NULL, level_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL, level_type CHAR(10) NOT NULL,--case, master_case, pallet ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX consignment_levels_U01 ON consignment_levels (consignment_id,parent_id,level_id); GO DECLARE @v_consignment_id INT = 1000; DECLARE @c_pallet CHAR(6) = 'PALLET', @c_master_case CHAR(6) = 'MASTER', […] |
Parsing XML with SQL Server - Thanks in advance for the assistance. There is some data on a website that I would like to import into a SQL Server database to query: Disclosure Table The data is also presented in an XML file: I'm having difficulties parsing the data. I think I'd like three tables variables (or temp tables) […] |
Complex SQL Pattern Matching Assistance - Hello Community, Can someone assist in SQL pattern matching. I have two tables company and organisations. In the organsations table there is a field 'cbname'. I would like to find a 85% match between the field 'cbname' and the field in company table called 'companyname'. I would then like the results to be added to […] |
How to calculate canceled accounts / total accounts - Good Morning, I have the two tables customers (joined) and their orders (dateoforder- record perday) CREATE TABLE Customers ( CID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, GroupName varchar(255) NOT NULL, FirstName varchar(255), Age int, CustomerStatus SMALLINT, ---1 Means Active, 0 Inactive CustomerCancelDate Date, DateofJoin DATE ); INSERT INTO Customers Values(100, 'ABC123', 'John',30,1,NULL,'01/14/2022') INSERT INTO Customers Values(101, […] |
Development - SQL Server 2014 |
SQL XML help - I have the following query that generates the output SELECT top 1 AccountNumber as 'ExternalId' from Account FOR XML PATH('Element'),type --output generated 3002543105 How can I get the following output 3002543105 Thank you in advance |
Recursive calculation // calculation column referring to itself - I have following data table with quantities and minimum stocks. I would like to check if the cumulative quantity goes below the minimum stock. If so the column "ProductionProposal" should calculate the quantity that needs to be produced in order to fill up the stock (with consideration of the defined minimum lot size). My problem is […] |
SQL 2012 - General |
SQL Server 2012 Migration ideas? - Hi Guys, I have a 2008R2 VM running SQL Server 2012. I would like to migrate hosts to a 2012 box that will also be running SQL server 2012. The original SQL box has an OS partition and a Data partition (separate VMDK's). Data partition is the root directory and contains all DB's. I could […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Administration |
Issue with SQL Server mirroring endpoint creation using SQL Authentication - I am trying to create EndPoint in SQL Server 2019 using transact SQL CREATE ENDPOINT endpoint_mirroring STATE = STARTED AS TCP ( LISTENER_PORT = 5022 ) FOR DATABASE_MIRRORING ( AUTHENTICATION = WINDOWS NEGOTIATE, ENCRYPTION = SUPPORTED, ROLE=ALL); GO I want to use SQL Authentication for creation of mirroring endpoints. I can use SQL Management studio to do that, but […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Development |
2 new Column from string - I have string in table where column has the value 163 Bathroom {BATHROOM CLEANING}{2.5%} I want to 2 new columns from this string column1 BATHROOM CLEANING column2 2.5% The first curly bracket { is starting point for first new column and will end data closing curly } bracket and second curly bracket { for second […] |
Azure Data Factory |
Upskill Azure Data Factory knowledge - Hey guys, I'm a DE with of 2 experience and I've been working with Azure Data Factory as the main ETL tool for 6 months now. However, I feel I need to gather more knowledge and assume more responsibilities inside my team but most of the senior professionals don't have much time to teach me. […] |
Reporting Services |
Combine large tables into one dataset - Hello everyone, I'm facing a small challenge. I have four different data pots and need to merge them into one data set. The join at the database level is generally not a problem, but the performance is sub-par. The four tables are as follows. projectStructure (65,527 rows) cashManagement (261,135 rows) bookedHours (48,233 rows) budgetValues (35,836 […] |
Analysis Services |
MDX Year on Year - Hi Guys Trust you keeping well. I have an issue with an meausre where we need to show the previous years data. Basically we need to compare a certain month on a daily basis the MTD value vs the previous year for the same month MTD per day. I am not that well versed in […] |
Integration Services |
Data Flow Task Error showing generic message - I'm having difficulties performing a Data Flow Task between a .csv file to OLE DB. By default, the column [ID] is in DT_STR datatype. It throws the following generic error: GF Data Flow Task:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (515) failed with error code 0xC0209029 while processing input […] |
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