How do you know if your social media messages offer sufficient value to your audience? Here’s why you should always try to start a conversation with your online followers.
Some industry insiders say the press release is dead, but others believe it still has its place in your media relations efforts. Here’s how to get the most out of this old school tactic.
Some reporters are looking to counter the preponderance of negative news with stories that offer solutions to big societal problems. Here’s how to tailor a pitch for them.
When the yogurt company offered to pay for student lunches in a Rhode Island community, the move allowed the company to build on a brand identity of community service.
From the writing itself to collaborating on text to blocking out distractions, these programs and apps can help communicators tackle the most vital—and often most daunting—of their duties.
Be they freelancers or independent contractors, these professionals often make it possible for your organization to take on and complete key projects. The key to a solid relationship: trust.
Unless your opening captures attention, creates interest and compels people to keep reading, delete it. To grab and keep attention, thrust your reader ‘into the midst of things.’