Travel is on the move!

Travel is in our DNA at Canadian Geographic. It's how we bring you stories and photos from every corner of this incredible land. It's what we do to learn, connect, rest, and get inspired. And it's why, as of October 1, our travel content is moving to When we launched in June 2018, the world of travel was different. For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed not just where we travel, but how we travel. No longer satisfied to simply check off highlights from a guidebook, travellers, as they once again begin to venture out, are seeking authentic opportunities to connect with and learn about the people and places they visit, as well as meaningful ways to lessen their impact on the environment. Going forward, our travel journalism will place a greater emphasis on these opportunities for connection and on travel as a force for good. And it will appear alongside the stories, photography and cartography about Canadian people, places and wildlife you expect and love from Canadian Geographic

After clicking on "Travel" in the main homepage navigation, you'll be able to select whether you want to see stories about Canadian destinations only or all travel stories, including U.S. and international destinations. And, as you read through the site, keep your eye out for amazing custom-curated travel experiences offered by our partners through Canadian Geographic Adventures.

We’re grateful for your support of over the years, and we look forward to sharing more great stories in the years to come.
How to spend a weekend in Ottawa
A handy Bucket Listed tip sheet of what to see and do in the nation's capital
Photo: Yuanyang Wei/Can Geo Photo Club

Sitting in the shadow of Toronto’s skyscrapers, Montreal’s culture, and Vancouver’s mountains, the nation’s capital often gets overlooked by Canadian and international visitors. Sure, it’s a government town, but Ottawa is also a bucket list town, jam-packed with activities and destinations you simply cannot experience anywhere else in the country. While you can easily spend a week or more exploring the city, a short visit ticks off many boxes, and you don’t have to venture too far either. Having visited with my own family this summer, here’s a handy Bucket Listed tip sheet of what to see and do:

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The Essential Itinerary:

Prague, Czech Republic 

A three-day guide for where to stay, what to see and things to do in and around the Czech capital city of Prague, including day trips to the Giant Mountains and Bohemian Paradise
As the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague is a beautiful place to visit, replete with Gothic churches and a medieval astronomical clock. (Photo: Anthony DELANOIX/Unsplash)
Glittering gold-tipped towers, Gothic church spires, and castles galore. Living up to its reputation, Prague is a fairytale city that will transport you back in time as you lose yourself amongst the cathedrals and castles of Czech Republic’s capital. Where else but Prague are visitors chauffeured in elegant vintage model cars along cobblestone streets and over historic stone bridges arching the Vitava River? Praha moments give way to a rural escape with hiking and rock climbing in Bohemian Paradise, and cycling and skiing in the Giant Mountains. With so much to see, it can be daunting to decide where to go in the Czech Republic. Here’s how to make the most of three active days in this beautiful country.

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Bird or UFO? A summer road trip birdwatching and visiting a UFO launch pad in Alberta
Join travel writer Carol Patterson as she explores Cold Lake Provincial Park and the town of St. Paul, home of Canada’s first UFO landing pad
The blackburnian warbler adds a flash of colour to Cold Lake’s forests. (Photo: Carol Patterson)

It’s the jet noise that first makes me look up. I was pursuing a black-throated green warbler in Northern Alberta’s boreal forest when a super-sonic rumble drew my gaze higher. 

Located 14 kilometres east of Royal Canadian Air Force Station Cold Lake is Cold Lake Provincial Park, home of two fighter jet squadrons, where the presence of these powerful flying machines adds to the birdwatching excitement. 

Cold Lake Provincial Park is one of Alberta’s best destinations for spring birdwatching. Situated in a transition zone between boreal forest and aspen parkland habitats, more than 200 bird species have been recorded here, including 22 colourful warbler species. 

I set up camp, literally, in one of the park’s best places to search for avian treasures. At Lund’s Point campground, the A loop sits at the base of a narrow peninsula poking into Cold Lake. 

There are plenty of birds to see along the peninsula, but the foot trail from A loop to Hall’s Lagoon connects me to aspen forests, wetlands and riparian habitats. I meet a grey-haired man on the trail, his baseball cap adorned with a bird logo and binoculars hanging from his weathered neck, hinting he’s a fellow bird lover. 

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Exploring Vancouver Island’s wild side with RCGS Travel Ambassador John P. Smol
As one of the many trips being offered by Maple Leaf Adventures, Vancouver Island’s Wild Side is an excursion for those who love adventure beyond the norm

I have had the privilege of exploring, researching, and lecturing on all seven continents, but there is always something special about exploring my own country. I have previously conducted research on lakes throughout large parts of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest, but I had never explored the “wild side” of Northern Vancouver Island. So, when I was asked to be the Royal Canadian Geographical Society Ambassador and Special Resource person for this trip, I jumped at the opportunity and it was a remarkable trip.

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