Tips from a recruitment expert |
After much work you have finally found the perfect job. You fit all the criteria and you just know you would be perfect for it. You update your CV, write a cover letter that highlights your key strengths and send everything off. The only thing left to do is to keep a keen eye on your mobile and wait for it to buzz. Or is it? In our latest article, find out: ⇛ Which 1 preparation tip will make you stand out from the crowd ⇛ How to send the perfect post-interview email ⇛ Which questions to practice your answers to |
Looking to retrain? Get ILM Qualified with the College of Management and IT |
Study with the College of Management and IT and you'll gain an ILM recognised qualification in a year or less. With over 50 courses to choose from in over 30 different subjects, including: Business and Management, Coaching, Energy & the Environment, IT & Computer Skills, HR, Leadership, Project Management & more, you are bound to find something to suit you! |
Virtual interviews are becoming more common - here's how to ace them |
Are you prepared if a hiring manager reaches out to schedule a virtual interview? Can you ace it? Virtual interviews are becoming a more popular process, not only because of the COVID-19. It also helps managers narrow down their talent pool quickly as well as reduce costs. It is easy to stand out virtually if you prepare. So here are 5 interview tips that will give you an edge in your next virtual interview |
More resources to help you » |