How to make your direct procurement more resilient in 2023 From rethinking to implementing the right purchasing strategy Dear {{Recipient.FirstName}}, The past year has shown that the way we conduct business, and shape our economy, is fragile. Companies and the global economy face numerous challenges - what's next for 2023? In our free checklist, we demonstrate how you can transform your direct procurement to be more crisis-proof, resilient and efficient from 2023 onwards to meet the new challenges ahead. Discover now: How to create more transparency for better decisions How to deal with and map the new laws such as LkSG How to take advantage of inflation Global sourcing vs local sourcing, how it affects the price Rethink and implement now! Get your free checklist, and learn how to best start implementing. With kind regards, Daniela Krupka Field Marketing Manager JAGGAER P.S.: Interested to know which measures are crucial to face the challenges in direct procurement in 2023? Get free tips now! |