Breakdowns in communication can cost lives and dollars. Here's what it takes to create smooth patient handoffs.
Monday, March 16, 2020

"The two conditions that contribute most significantly to a poor handoff are related to distraction among those giving or receiving the handoff and incomplete information. If either of these occurs, it is much more likely that critical information will be missed," Nan Tomsky, MN, RN, CPHRM.


I'm sure you're busy and exhausted dealing with the constantly changing situation around COVID-19. So, let's just jump into what's in this week's issue without delay.

I know all of you and your team members are working hard during this time. Once the dust settles and you have a moment to reflect on the great work you've seen others do, please nominate them for HealthLeaders 20. Remember, meaningful recognition increases staff engagement and satisfaction.


How to Improve Patient Handoffs
Breakdowns in communication can cost lives and dollars. Here's what it takes to create smooth patient handoffs.
COVID-19: EPA Releases List of Registered Disinfectants
Proper cleaning may help prevent the spread of coronavirus.
American Nurses Association Urges CDC to Develop Evidence-Based COVID-19 Guidelines
Prevent transmission first, then address the personal protective equipment supply chain.
How the Health System that Treated U.S. Coronavirus Patient 1 Has Responded
The health system at ground zero of the U.S. novel coronavirus epidemic is taking a three-pronged approach to clinical care for the viral disease.
Focus on Communication Skills to Improve Your Hospital's Patient Experience
Improving the communication skills of clinicians and nurses builds rapport and trust with patients.

Must Reads


Thanks again for taking time out of your busy day to read our eNewesletter. As always, send any tips, thoughts or advice my way at [email protected] or Tweet @jen_NurseEditor.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Editor, Nursing