Ask your manager, "What keeps you up at night?" to uncover issues you may be able to help address, writes Erin McDermott Peterson, a partner with PeopleResults. The answer will give you an idea of how you can be more useful while showing your boss you are focused on solving problems. The Muse (12/13) Deal with disputes in person, not over email When a dispute arises, avoid the temptation to discuss a topic over email or through other text-based means, writes Jessica Stillman. Instead, use your voice, which humanizes you and encourages others to listen with respect. Inc. online (12/15)
You can avoid embarrassing situations at holiday parties by limiting your drinking or leaving early if you sense that drama is about to unfold. It's also a good idea to avoid posting photos of co-workers on social media and tagging them without their permission, writes Rachel Weingarten. Ladders (12/13)
Hotels under pressure to protect employees from sexual harassment and other abuse from guests have installed panic buttons for emergency alerts. Workers in New York City and Seattle have such devices, and the Chicago City Council has mandated implementation by summer. Bloomberg (free registration) (12/13)
Your Next Challenge aims to help employers, job seekers find each other hopes to create a job search marketplace that will allow companies to choose from a larger pool of candidates and help job seekers get their resumes in front of better opportunities. If a job seeker's application is rejected, the artificial intelligence marketplace company can reroute him or her to other recruiters or companies that might be a better fit. Fast Company (12/2017)
Balancing Yourself
Millennials struggle to strike work-life balance The integration of work and technology has made it more difficult for millennials to enjoy a healthy work-life balance, even as companies embrace flexible work options. "Setting boundaries around when you do and do not work will help relieve pressure to always be performing," writes Kaytie Zimmerman. Forbes (12/13)
A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.