Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL |
Syntax issue while trying to create index on filegroup - Ok so this is driving me nuts. My syntax is incorrect on this statement: create index IX_Service_Start_Date ON ivc_cds.CDS_Claim_Header (Service_Start_Date ) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 98, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON ) on ServiceStartDatePartitionScheme ( Service_Start_Date ) ON [DefFG] Error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ON'. I'm trying to create the above index on the filegroup DefFG. I've […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Development |
Cannot resolve the collation conflict on Azure between master database and db - We have an Azure datanbase which up to today has been working fine However after our latest deployment, we are unable to run our application connected neither can I connect Azure Data Studio - Profiler to the Azure database. I get the following error message: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in […] |
Select from view on FileTable throws error - I have a view that computes some fields, using SubString and CharIndex. When I do a Select *, it works great. When I add some conditions, specifying conditions for the COMPUTED FIELDS, the query bombs claiming that invalid arguments were passed to the SubString function. Those computed fields all get computed correctly - there […] |
SQL Azure - Development |
Database Snapshot Alternative in SQL MI - Hi, Database Snapshot feature is not supported in SQL MI. Is there an alternative for having point in time readonly copy in same SQL MI. |
Reporting Services |
SSRS 2019 not able to setup URL Reservations with port 443 - HI . here is the setup i have - Windows Server 2022 and SSRS 2019 i setup IIS and setup a test site using the SSL cert and that is working fine and since have disabled it i am trying to setup SSRS 2019 to work with HTTPS and it doesn't want to work for […] |
'see' and edit text box items when they are obscured by other items - Really new to SSRS Report builder and no training. I have different items and backgrounds that have visibility dependent upon query fields. This means that the items are layered and have differing parent items. I can tab through all the items and adjust their properties but, when it comes to text boxes, I need to […] |
Dynamically generate a new instance of a subreport for every selected parameter - Hello. I have 2 parameter fields I'm passing through to a sub-report to get it to populate. They are 'Year' (only 1 selected) and 'ID' (multiple selected). I'd like to dynamically generate a new instance of the sub-report (aka, template) for each selected parameter. For example... Let's say the ID's selected are "1,5,13' and the […] |
General |
Unintended consequences (Oh sh!t moments) - I firmly believe that one characteristic of good developers is understanding and being able to anticipate unintended consequences. Today I experienced this in a fairly inconsequential thing, but my analytic mind took over. I was entering an order for K-cups on the Keurig website, and got an error when finalizing the order saying my Mastercard […] |
Strategies and Ideas |
Hash value in a primary key? - Hello, Problem: in a dwh table, we are getting duplicates based on some fields that represent the primary key of a table, but this is not a true duplicate cause one of the fields come with lower/upper case, and should be considered as sensitive, the issue is that our database is insensitive case so we […] |
Contests! |
SQL Server 2024 or 2025? - Take a guess when the next version of SQL Server will release. Give me a date, and I'll send a prize to whoever is closest (or maybe 2 people that are equidistant), and posted earliest here. To make it more interesting, if you post in 2023, you get leeway of a week. If you post […] |
PostgreSQL |
TSQL To Postgres - Unpivot/Union All - I am trying to convert this TSQL:INSERT INTO temp_FieldFlowsFact SELECT [Account],[Calendar day],[Financial year],[Period] ,CASE WHEN [Metric] like '%R12M%' THEN 'R12M' WHEN [Metric] like '%R6M%' THEN 'R6M' WHEN [Metric] like '%R3M%' THEN 'R3M' ELSE 'Periodic' END AS [Period type] ,[Metric],[Metric Value] FROM ( ----Calculating Rolling FTRs SELECT [Account], [Calendar day] ,[Financial year],[Period] ,[Issue] ,SUM([Issue]) OVER […] |
TSQL To Postgres - Unpivot/Union All - I am trying to convert this TSQL:INSERT INTO temp_FieldFlowsFact SELECT [Account],[Calendar day],[Financial year],[Period] ,CASE WHEN [Metric] like '%R12M%' THEN 'R12M' WHEN [Metric] like '%R6M%' THEN 'R6M' WHEN [Metric] like '%R3M%' THEN 'R3M' ELSE 'Periodic' END AS [Period type] ,[Metric],[Metric Value] FROM ( ----Calculating Rolling FTRs SELECT [Account], [Calendar day] ,[Financial year],[Period] ,[Issue] ,SUM([Issue]) OVER […] |
Job Postings |
SSRS Contractor Needed - Hello, I have someone who has reached out to me in need of a contractor to build out their SSRS environment and make changes to a dashboard I gave them that we use at my current employer. They are also looking for someone with Power BI knowledge that can help them link their on-premises SQL […] |
SQL Server 2022 - Administration |
Kerberos Configuration Manager connection error with SQL 2022 - Hello experts, I'm trying to use Kerberos Configuration Manager on an instance of SQL Server 2022 and get this error when I try to connect: "Error Unable to connect to server, please ensure that the server name is correct, SQL Server is installed properly, and the user has administrator permissions. If the problem persists, please […] |
SQL Server 2022 - Development |
How to import csv file into a sql table and include filename - Hi everyone, I have a directory of many csv files such as C:\Temp\NP-001.csv C:\Temp\NP-002.csv C:\Temp\NP-003.csv In each csv file, there are 5 columns: Name, DOB, MemberID, Address, Email We need to somehow loop through each csv file and bulk insert or openrowset information to a sql table. The final result would be like a sql […] |