A client recently said to me…
“Craig, I’m crushing my mornings but when 2 pm hits... I fade hard and don’t get much else done.”
I get it. This happened all the time to me in my personal trainer years.
Here’s how I fixed it...
1. Do NOT Make HUGE Jumps in Wake-up Time
If you’re getting up at 7am now…
Do NOT jump straight to the #5amClub. Bad idea.
Instead, get up 5 minutes earlier for a week... then 5 minutes earlier the next week... and so on.
Eventually you’ll find your Perfect Wake-Up Time.
2. Get Up at the Same Time Every Day In his book, Why We Sleep…
Dr. Matthew Walker says that if he could give only ONE piece of advice about getting better sleep it would be:
“Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.”
My mentor Mark Ford actually shared this idea with me in 2002.
Unfortunately, I ignored it until 2007.
But when I finally did take this advice…
I went from “dragging my butt” on Monday through Wednesday morning (after weekend sleep-ins)...
To crushing it all day long every day.
3. Steal This ‘Caffeine Secret’ From the US Army
Government researchers found that performance and alertness improved with smaller and more frequent doses of caffeine over the morning compared to one big jolt.
So if you slump at 2 pm…
Try two smaller, 50mg caffeine doses (i.e. a Green tea).
Have the first one shortly after you get up…
And the second between 10 am and 1 pm — depending on your schedule.
Just remember…
For the best quality sleep you’ll want to AVOID caffeine within 10 hours of when you plan to go to bed.
4. Light Lunch
I eat the same (late) lunch everyday...
A green smoothie and nut butter sandwich.
Too much food weighs you down.
Both physically and mentally.
5. Other Options Consider a 16-8 fast...
Eating lunch at 2 pm and stopping all food intake at 8 pm.
Consider doubling your water intake.
You just have to experiment.
My CHALLENGE to you this week?
Identify your “Energy Slump Time” and start experimenting to JACK it up.
You can literally try this tomorrow and start seeing results the same day.
Let me know how it goes! Success Loves Speed,
PS - If you’re ready to 2X your income (or more) while working 10 less hours per week...
... Just REPLY to this email with the words “2X 10 LESS” and we'll set up a time to chat with you to find out if we can help. |