Hello! Today we have a new eBook by Inflow, which reveals to eCommerce vendors how to better leverage Google Shopping Ads by avoiding three common mistakes and drive value with one of three winning campaign structures. On the Google Shopping experience, Inflow writes: “With Google Shopping users can browse and find the product they want without having to leave the search results page. In addition, the Shopping ad takes you directly to the product page of the product you see instead of sending you to a generic landing page. This tends to result in higher conversion rates and a much shorter customer journey.” Also, traditional brick-and-mortar stores were perhaps hit hardest during the pandemic, and unlike digital-native retailers didn’t have the online infrastructure to continue serving their customers. A new article by Josh Wetzel, Chief Revenue Officer of OneSignal, discusses three strategies for small business owners can adopt now to thrive in a post-COVID world and tackle customer engagement pain points. Benchmarking Survey 2020 We’re tracking six core marketing trends over the next few months to help you benchmark your response to COVID-19. Please complete this quick survey and see how you compare with others in the industry. Your answers will be treated confidentially. |