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National Association of REALTORS(R) - REALTOR(R) Magazine
October 29, 2018
Today's Headlines
How to Apply Tax Changes to Your 2018 Returns
NAR video series explains what deductions you can and can’t take as a real estate professional, homeowner or renter, and individual or joint tax filer.
Study: Rookie Pros Double Their Income After First Year
New agents who have been in the business for less than a year earn an average annual income of $19,375. But there’s a good reason not to quit.
Agents, you deserve better tools. Get the New Cloud CMA and get the rest of the Cloud Agent Suite Free until 2019!
Single Women Prop Up First-Time Buyer Segment
While the pool of first-time buyers is shrinking, single female buyers continue to claim a big presence in the housing market, NAR reports.
3 Reasons HOAs Are Getting Sued
These liability issues are putting homeowner associations at increased risk of litigation.
Inside Good Neighbor’s Heart-Wrenching Enterprise
Necia Freeman, a 2018 Good Neighbor honorable mention, opens up to® about helping hungry children and drug-addicted women.
Owner vs. AVM: Who’s Better at Figuring Home Value?
Both have their strengths and weaknesses, according to a Federal Reserve study. Does one have the edge over the other?
Will ‘Location, Location, Location’ Become a Dead Mantra?
Most people will pay a premium to live near their workplace, a bustling city center, or within reach of major public transit centers. But will the advent of driverless cars turn the old real estate adage on its head?
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Why Brokerages May Want to Join the Coworking Trend
Shared office space may help not only your corporate clients but your own company reach long-term goals. Find out how it can make you more nimble and enable you to spread into additional markets faster.
Can You Make Changes to Contracts?
It’s easier than you’d expect to get tangled in the unauthorized practice of law. Protect yourself by incorporating a few key practices into your business.
Multifamily Turns to Experiences Over Amenities
Increased competition is spurring the industry to add experiential features. The new offerings include on-site experts, neighborhood partnerships, and delivery services, backed up by research into residents’ preferences.