There’s a simple challenge I give my clients…
And almost without fail, it creates less stress and more success in the most important areas of their business and life.
I call it the Level 10 “mismatch” challenge.
Here’s how it works:
Recently I was talking to a friend of mine who was training for a fitness competition (and exhausted because of it).
She also has an upset partner at home because she’s not giving the family enough time.
There’s nothing wrong with having hobbies and doing things to push yourself. In fact, I encourage it.
This friend is not a professional fitness competitor / model or anything of the sort.
Yet she’s putting all her time and energy into training for this event.
She is putting a Level 10 effort into a Level 3 (at most) problem.
And she is putting a Level 3 effort into her Level 10 problems (home life) and only a level 7 effort into the business struggles.
The solution to her physical exhaustion and business constipation is obvious:
Get rid of the fitness competition so she can go Level 10 on what really matters!
Of course…
It was a real gut check.
She didn’t want to hear this.
No one ever likes to look into the truth mirror.
But if you don’t …
What do you get?
A life of warm, comforting, progress-killing lies.
Here's the lesson for you:
You must identify your level 10 problem.
You must make sure you're putting a Level 10 effort into your Level 10 problem
If you're not, then you're procrastinating, and this explains why you're stressed / frustrated.
The fix is simple (not easy, but simple).
Put a level 10 effort into your level 10 problem.
The end.
Stop all projects that don't deserve your Level 10 effort.
In most cases these other projects will always be there for you to return to.
If it's NOT a Level 10 problem in your life.
Drop it.
I call this…
Saying NO to say YES.
Slowing down to speed up.
And drop it fast, because…
Success Loves Speed,
Craig |