Plus, the lack of spine in the GOP, and more...
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February 11, 2021
How the Democratic Party Can Create a Majoritarian Coalition

The case for forging a new politics of economic justice

By Michael Kazin


The Entire Republican Party Is on Trial During the impeachment proceedings, the GOP is revealing just how soulless and spineless it really is.By Walter Shapiro
Mardi Gras Is an Environmental Disaster The annual carnival along the Gulf Coast was canceled this year due to the pandemic. Here’s how to make it more eco-friendly in 2022.By Michael Patrick Welch
The Damnable Senators of the Republican Party With a few notable exceptions, these lawmakers have forfeited any claim to decency or patriotism during Trump’s impeachment trial.By Matt Ford


Machiavellian Moments The Renaissance thinker’s guide to contemporary politicsBy Win McCormack
The Press’s Strange Memory-Holing of Trump’s First Impeachment His second impeachment trial is being presented as a cut-and-dried case, in contrast to its predecessor. But the first impeachment was cut-and-dried, too.By Alex Shephard
Lauren Oyler Is a Tough Critic of Contemporary Fiction. Can Her Novel Do Better? On “Fake Accounts” and the problems of millennial fictionBy Scott W. Stern


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