Each week I read hundreds of messages from clients...
And one thing that’s become very clear to me is that too many entrepreneurs put themselves through unnecessary stress.
Running a business is already stressful...
Your thoughts (worries) don’t need to add to it. There’s no reason to put your mind through the emotional ringer every time a setback occurs.
When you encounter resistance, you must remember:
Not only does it mean you’re getting closer to your next breakthrough…
Overcoming resistance is what entrepreneurship is all about.
You signed up for this.
Employees quitting...
Sending the government big tax checks...
Late nights and early mornings when you’re starting out...
Having huge launches that consume every minute of your day...
Customer complaints... customer questions... customer success stories…
It’s all par for the course.
In the words of the great Stoic philosopher, Seneca…
“Why then are we offended? Why do we complain? This is what we're here for.”
You signed up for this.
This is the Entrepreneurial Roller Coaster.
There is no better ride on Earth.
You’ll never feel so low... you’ll never experience such highs...
No amusement park ride can make your stomach feel this way or your heart pound like this...
This is what we’re here for.
Like a boxer that signs up for the opportunity to get punched in the mouth...
Like the racecar driver that registers for the risk of getting run off the road at 200mph...
Like the parent that signs up for 2am feedings and all night cry-a-thons...
You signed up for this.
- Dealing with contract negotiations
- Dealing with broken promises
- Dealing with production delays
- Dealing with merchant account shutdowns
- Dealing with deals gone bad
- Dealing with customers who no longer remember how you transformed their life last year and only want to know “what have you done for me lately”
- Dealing with another long thankless day of work where you signed paychecks for 12 people so they could put food on the table
This is what we’re here for.
It’s not a question of “Why is this happening to me”.
The REAL question is:
“How can I mentally prepare myself and build a Stoic armor around my mind so that I get stronger in every struggle?”
The answer:
There's no approach better, in my opinion, than the philosophy of Stoicism...
One of the most powerful tenets is the concept of “externals”.
Or as I call it…
"The power of outside eyes".
For example...
Take that BIG PROBLEM you are dealing with in life...
Now, imagine roles were reversed and a friend came to you with the exact same issue.
What counsel would you provide to them?
When you frame it this way…
You’ll almost always find it easier to come up with the answer when it’s for someone else.
That’s the power of outside eyes.
Looking at your problems EXTERNALLY instead of internally...
Removing the emotional attachment to the problem frees your mind to see what’s right.
That same answer you’d give your friend...
Is the answer YOU need.
Writing this email reminds me of a podcast I did a couple years back with my friend and mentor Matt Smith…
Exploring the power of Stoicism and how it can help you navigate challenges in your business.
If you’re interested in checking it out…
>> You can listen to our Stoic deep dive right here One thing’s for sure…
Donning my own Stoic “mind armor” has probably helped me more than any other one thing as an entrepreneur.
And if you’re looking for a simple, reliable framework from which to approach and deal with problems in life & business…
Then I know adopting the mindset of the Stoics can help you too.
Success Loves Speed,