Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm, look at her now. Because after all the drama, Selena Gomez, Instagram's most followed woman, has hit over 400 million followers on the social media platform one month after dethroning Kylie Jenner. When she's not sharing behind-the-scenes snaps from set (the latest sees her in a wedding dress amid filming season three of Only Murders in the Building), the star uses her social media platforms to promote her Rare beauty line, share candid snaps of her family, and remind her fans every so often to kill 'em with kindness. And that's exactly what they likely did amid ongoing drama between Gomez and Kylie Jenner, and Hailey and Justin Bieber. Long story short: Selena Gomez dated Justin Bieber on and off for several years before he settled down with Hailey Bieber. And Jelenators thinking there was an overlap aside, the once squashed beef between Gomez and the model seems to have hit the grill, sizzling, after the Rhode founder's recent remarks, only to burn Kylie Jenner, who fans think took a dig at the Wolves singer's eyebrows. Proving you can attack a girl but never her brows, just like that, Selena Gomez gained the most Instagram followers in 30 days (22 405 110), while Kylie Jenner lost the most (806 219). Click 'read more' to find out how it happened. |