It doesn’t matter if the wire runs to your home if you can’t afford to connect to it.

Free Press Action

Friend, how much do you pay every month to access high-speed internet? Assuming you have access to broadband at all, I’d guess it ranges from “too much” to “way too much.”

The lack of affordable home-internet options during the COVID-19 pandemic — especially for school-aged children — will have devastating impacts for decades to come.

Urge Congress to pass the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act and include measures in the infrastructure package to make high-speed internet affordable for all.

Right now, Congress is considering a package of bills that would invest billions of dollars in building out the physical infrastructure — think wires running along poles and in the ground — to get everyone in the country connected to high-speed internet. Lawmakers are also considering relatively modest investments in making the service affordable.

But here’s the thing: It doesn’t matter if the wire runs to your home if you can’t afford to connect to it. That’s why we’re working so hard to ensure that policymakers include measures that will help low-income, Black and Brown families afford to connect to high-speed internet.

Your members of Congress need to know that making high-speed internet affordable is a priority for you. Send a message to them TODAY.

Thanks for all you do—

Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Congress has the opportunity and the political will to make a historic investment in high-speed internet infrastructure. But as negotiations wear on, it will become more and more likely that programs focused on making sure internet access is affordable for all get left behind. Tell Congress: Use the infrastructure package to make high-speed internet affordable for all.

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