| Can you give us two minutes of your time? The Cincinnati Business Courier is seeking your assistance with a brief survey on the topic of How’s business 18 months into the Trump presidency? As a friend of the Courier, would you tell us: For the first half of 2018, are your organization’s sales ahead, on target or behind your plans? Do you expect to hire in the second half of 2018? Thank you for answering these and 3 more short questions HERE. The Courier is conducting this survey for a monthly feature titled Viewpoints — sponsored by the Cincinnati office of Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of six global audit, tax and advisory organizations — and your response would be appreciated. Your response will be held in confidence by the Courier. Thanks in advance for your participation.
Jamie Smith, Publisher Cincinnati Business Courier | |
| | | | Email sent by Cincinnati Business Courier 120 East Fourth Street, Suite 230 Cincinnati, OH 45202, USA |
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