BY DEANNA B. NARVESON | Staff writer It was a late night for all of us in The Advocate newsroom as we waited for reports to roll in from the Louisiana Secretary of State's office after polls closed. We had metro reporters out at each of the mayor-president candidate's election night parties speaking to candidates as ballots were tabulated and what would come next for East Baton Rouge Parish became more clear. It ended differently than many predicted. Incumbent Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome will face Republican Sid Edwards in a run-off election after surviving a fierce challenge from fellow Democrat Ted James. Edwards received 64,862 votes, or 34%, while Broome had 58,843 votes, or 31%. Despite fundraising more than $1 million — the most ever in a Baton Rouge mayoral race — James, a former state representative, got 53,510 votes, or 28%. Read the full story for more about what happened Tuesday. |