Hello Fellow Woodworkers
All the best for 2018 and we hope you get lots of woodwork done. And we would love to see a picture of your work.
First, some dates for you to attend some shows that offer a lot learning. The Sturt School for wood is having their annual tools and techniques weekend
on 17 and 18 February 2018. Very soon.
Participants include HNT Gordon, Colen Clenton, Japanese Tools, Allwood Specialty Timbers, Gifkins Dovetail, Jim Davey, Vesper Tools, Dunstone Design, Keith Houston, Lie Nielsen Toolworks. This is your chance to get the manufactures and tool suppliers to show you what there tools are capable of all in one room. Take the opportunity to put these tools to the test.
The will also be some great woodwork demonstrations by people who know there craft, this is where you can learn some good stuff. Full details on the Sturt Website.
And there is more: “Chatoyance” will be an exhibition of collaborations and mentorships, with emerging makers paired with Accredited Members of SWA to design and make a new piece of furniture. By all accounts there is some great work on display, come and take a look.
Not so far away on the calendar is the next Lost Trades Fair where you can see about 100 rare and interesting trades on display and talk to the makers. Be inspired by these people and do something you have always wanted to do. This is on 10 and 11th March at the Kyneton Race Course. For full details Google Lost Trades Fair. Allow a full weekend as there is lots to see.
Cranking up for latter in the year is a totally new concept show called "Wood Dust" which is being run by two guys that have been involved in the industry for years. It will involve Woodworking Master classes by Aussie and overseas makers, a Yarn night where Tom Lie Nielsen, Vic Tesolin from Veritas and myself will be on stage to do a presentation and I believe a Q's and A's session. There will also be a furniture exhibition at the Bungendore Woodworks Gallery and a Timber and Tool market place at the Bungendore show grounds. Wood Dust will run from 17 - 21st Oct 2018 at Quenbeyan and Bungendore. It shaping up to be a don't miss event. For more details google Wood Dust Australia.
We are busy making some components for our new plow plane and Pattern makers vice. We are confident we will get them out this year but be patient as they are complex tools and we want them to be up to our usual standard, so you have a tool for life. More info and pictures to come as they progress.
Woodworking Tip: If you are having any issues with any of your planes then please check the following things: Is the bevel on your blade close to 30 degrees and nicely sharpened, is the sole flat and the blade held securely. If all these things are OK then you need to discuss the problem with the manufacturer to sort out the issue so you don't go blaming yourself. It may be simply that the plane you are using isn't designed for that type of work. For instance a block plane isn't designed to plane a large flat surface, that is a job for a dedicated bench plane. You may be doing something wrong but nothing a little bit of education won't fix, after all woodwork is a process of learning new skills. All good manufacturers will help you if you have a problem with one of their tools. At HNT Gordon we pride ourself on help you learn how to get better at woodwork and continue the journey.
Regards Terry Gordon