Good morning! Enjoy this sampling of articles and features from the May issue of St. Anthony Messenger magazine.
Highlights from our May issue!
A Catholic Response to the Mental Health Crisis
Behind the statistics, facts, and figures on our nation’s mental health crisis are human beings—all children of God. How the Church and we, as people of faith, respond can save lives and help get people who are suffering the help they need.
When we find ourselves distracted in prayer, sometimes the answer lies in reaching beyond the box we’ve stuffed prayer in. And nothing does that better than our very own bodies. Read more...
Scenes from Mary’s Life
As Mary grew older, what would she have thought about her role in the story of our faith tradition? Murray Bodo, OFM, a Franciscan writer and scholar, imagines just that.Read more...
Find stories like these and much more in each issue of St. Anthony Messenger. By subscribing, you are supporting the Franciscan friars in their mission to spread God's love in the spirit of St. Francis.