Ron Hart: America is failing young men • New Zealand reverses decision to ban smoking. California beware.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Here’s to hoping Newsom and DeSantis can have a substantive debate

We hope the debate highlights how each would give Americans more freedom.

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Ron Hart: America is failing young men

I would argue China’s one child policy has done less damage to its young boys than America’s one parent policy.

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New Zealand reverses decision to ban smoking. California beware.

California’s market is at great risk of being invaded by illegal and unsafe Mexican tobacco products.

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Newsom vs. DeSantis: A real debate on the issues or just more mudslinging?

Maybe this is being unduly cynical. Maybe they will have the mature conversation that Hannity promises. Maybe pigs can fly.

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Capitalism has made the world better off. Why is it always being smeared?

“Feudalism, communism, fascism, that’s divisive.”

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Gov. Newsom and the Legislature want to unleash local tax measures

Taxpayers can expect to be hammered next year as “citizen-proposed” tax increases are rushed to local ballots across the state.

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The drowned voices: How national narratives overshadowed local politics in America

Local politics, the bedrock of citizen engagement, influence everyday life, while national politics shape broader societal values and goals.

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James Ramos: Californians should commit to learning about Native cultures

The resilience of our ancestors and elders to overcome atrocities and the ability to look beyond the past, to create a future where good can be found in all people to live together to honor one another is what has been taught.

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John Seiler: Gray Davis never should have been recalled

Outside Schwarzenegger’s personal fantasy, the whole recall episode bombed like one of his worst movies.

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Newsom-DeSantis debate features two governors with big ambitions, low poll numbers

Instead of playing the showroom in Las Vegas, they’re playing the lounge in Laughlin. Er, excuse me, Alpharetta, Georgia.

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