We are counting on you.
Dear Friend,
This month is “Plastic Free July”, a global designation to raise awareness about the plastics crisis and allow all of us to be a part of the solution.

Sierra Club California’s advocates and volunteers are actively working to cut plastics dependence. 
Plastic Crisis
Help turn the tide on plastic

This year, we’re pushing landmark bills at the State Capitol that will reduce single-use packaging. 

We can only do this with your support to make sure our team of professional advocates can go toe-to-toe with the plastics industry at the legislature. Please make a donation now so that Sierra Club California has the resources to protect public health and marine ecosystems. 

California is taking a lead to reduce single-use plastics that are unnecessary and flood the marketplace. Human exposure to plastics has been linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other serious health problems. Plastic pollution is also strangling marine ecosystems and wildlife. 

Help us turn the tide on the plastics crisis. Contribute today to Sierra Club California. We are counting on your commitment.

Thank you for ensuring that Sierra Club California remains a bold voice for the environment.

Kathryn Phillips

Thank you for being a part of our work! 

You may securely donate online or by sending a check to Sierra Club California at
909 12th Street, Suite 202, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Donate Now

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909 12th St, Suite 202 Sacramento, CA 95814

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