Exchange with EVPs Ribera, Séjourné and Mînzatu on the Clean Industrial Deal |
On 18 February, a BusinessEurope delegation – along with European Social Partners – met with European Commission Executive Vice-Presidents Teresa Ribera, Stéphane Séjourné, and Roxana Minzatu to discuss our expectations from the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal. |
Our Director General Markus J. Beyrer emphasised the urgent need to make it easier to do business in Europe and make the EU an attractive destination for investment again. This is crucial for sustaining our European model and preserving quality jobs across the continent. "Improving conditions for creating quality jobs starts with facilitating investment, innovation and productivity growth," Beyrer stated. He highlighted that the Clean Industrial Deal must include measures to lower the energy cost gap towards our major competitors, significantly reduce the regulatory burden, speed-up permitting procedures, and diversify our import and export markets. |
The Clean Industrial Deal also provides a platform to strengthen Europe’s international partnerships. We welcome the European Commission’s proposal for Clean Trade and Investment Partnerships, which aims to establish a comprehensive framework for international collaboration on clean energy, critical raw materials, clean-tech trade, and investments. At the same time, the EU must address market distortive practices and overcapacities by carefully using existing trade defence tools. The EU must also ensure that any new measures are assessed and discussed with business to avoid supply chain disruptions and maintain industrial competitiveness. |
Yesterday, the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) adopted a report on the implementation of the flagship Horizon Europe programme. Ahead of this vote, we joined forces with the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) to call for the equal prioritisation of Pan-European public-private partnerships under Pillar II, alongside the other pillars of the Framework Programme. |
“To truly ease the burden, the Commission must go beyond simplifying reporting”. Our Director General Markus J. Beyrer quoted in Euractiv on 13 February. |
BusinessEurope & EARTO joint letter to ITRE Committee on FP10 17 February Read our joint letter. |
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