“The EU and the U.S. possess the resources and the expertise to drive meaningful change on a global scale if we cooperate to reinforce our shared competitiveness. We can accelerate the uptake of new and cleaner, as well as more sustainable, just and inclusive solutions by promoting investments, trade, and greater integration in the Transatlantic economy”, BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson said at the event. The business community strongly supports a high-level platform for structured dialogue between the EU and the U.S., and President Persson highlighted the need |
for structural improvements to allow concrete deliverables going forward. First, a better and clearer connection between the work under the various workstreams of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC), like the Transatlantic Labour Dialogue (TALD) and the Transatlantic Initiative on Sustainable Trade (TIST); secondly, more visibility on the discussions; and finally, increased responsiveness to social partners’ submissions. “We see untapped potential in the TTC and great merits in the TIST that deserve to be further explored and harnessed in the future”, concluded Persson. |