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The Guardian Today Australia
Australia politics live: Plibersek in microphone mishap during Sky interview with James Paterson; delays for Australians stranded in New Caledonia
Australia politics live: Plibersek in microphone mishap during Sky interview with James Paterson; delays for Australians stranded in New Caledonia
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Donald Trump  
Former US president attends lunch to ask oil bosses for more campaign cash
'Who do you trust?'  
Rishi Sunak takes gamble by calling UK election for 4 July
‘Insidious and unsavoury’  
How private debt collectors push vulnerable to breaking point
Five people dead and at least 35 injured as tornadoes rip through Iowa
The rural network
Livestock theft has cost NSW farmers more than $930,000 so far this year
Livestock theft has cost NSW farmers more than $930,000 so far this year
Ellen Zell woke up to find eight calves missing and a hole cut in her fence. She’s one of hundreds to report losses this year
Full Story podcast
Full Story  
Greg Lynn trial: murder or ‘tragic accident’? – Full Story podcast
Greg Lynn trial: murder or ‘tragic accident’? – Full Story podcast
‘A nice buzz’  
Central Coast shines under A-League grand final spotlight
Central Coast shines under A-League grand final spotlight
Tottenham 1-1 Newcastle (4-5 pens)  
Magpies rain on Postecoglou's parade with shootout win
Giro d'Italia  
Pogacar pulls further clear but day belongs to Steinhauser
‘When things dry up, we can’t just call daddy’: Elefant Traks, the DIY label that changed Australian music
‘When things dry up, we can’t just call daddy’: Elefant Traks, the DIY label that changed Australian music
Art and design  
At least 1,000 Damien Hirst artworks were painted years later than claimed
Was Cate Blanchett’s Cannes dress a pro-Palestinian protest – or an optical illusion?
Australian politicians think 15-year-olds are old enough to go to jail but not go on Facebook. They’re kidding themselves
Australian politicians think 15-year-olds are old enough to go to jail but not go on Facebook. They’re kidding themselves
Raising jobseeker is not ‘fiscally sustainable’? Sorry, but that is flat out wrong
It’s moral panic time! Thank goodness for News Corp who continue to champion the mental health of kiddies
Taming of the shroom  
Alice Zaslavsky’s tips for storing fungi – and her autumn fry-up recipe
Alice Zaslavsky’s tips for storing fungi – and her autumn fry-up recipe
The Denmark secret  
How it became the world’s most trusting country – and why that matters
Electric cars  
Electric vehicles more likely to hit pedestrians than petrol vehicles, study finds
Electric vehicles more likely to hit pedestrians than petrol vehicles, study finds
Climate crisis  
Warming climate is turning rivers rusty with toxic metals
Warming climate is turning rivers rusty with toxic metals
Decision to extend life of Australia’s biggest coal-fired power station will have ‘far-reaching consequences’, critics say
Decision to extend life of Australia’s biggest coal-fired power station will have ‘far-reaching consequences’, critics say
The claim of a $600bn carbon capture windfall for Australia is based on heroic assumptions and selective analysis
France's Macron says ‘return to peace’ is priority as he arrives in New Caledonia – video
France's Macron says ‘return to peace’ is priority as he arrives in New Caledonia – video
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