Can he do it again this month?
Good morning!

Graham wanted us to send this quick update about three of the major stocks he’s looking out for this month.

You see, according to his research, in the last ten years, these three stocks have a pattern of always shooting up on certain dates in May.

In fact, let me just show you one of them.

As you can see from the track record, when Graham traded the ticker on May 13, he returned a pretty nice winner in less than a week!
Now the reason for this is pretty simple; May stands as the most bullish month for the stock in question…

And as you may have noticed, it’s not just one stock…

THREE different stocks are entering their profit windows this month.

And Graham wants to give you their names, the exact dates they’re likely to move… and how to target them to get the best results possible.

While he’s not promising any future returns or against losses, he’ll also show you the phenomenon responsible for this pattern in certain stocks every month. 

If you want in, just save this Zoom link and join Graham live at 2:30pm ET today

Talk soon,

The TradingPub

*From 12/1/23 - 5/1/24 on live trades published for our track record the win rate is 58.5%, the average return is 21.15% with an average holding time of 13 days. Past Performance is not indicative to future results, trading involves risk.