No images? Click here Have you heard this myth?DONATE HEREMisinformation needs correction The misinformation I’m talking about is that only people with white skin are at risk for skin cancer. Naniki Seboni has personal knowledge of this misinformation. As a child, she suffered from heat rashes, and had several bad sunburns, leaving her with very sensitive skin. Always active in school sports, Naniki used sunscreen and wore a hat. This caused her to be mocked by her school peers for ‘wanting to be like a white girl’. Whilst Naniki’s first two childhood moles seemed harmless, at age 22 a new mole developed on her leg. This one had the characteristics of Melanoma – and it was! By the time she had it casually checked, the cancer was already at stage 3. And her response was ‘but I’m Black’. She’d never heard of anyone in her race group having skin cancer. In her mind and experience, cancer = death. For six months she lived in denial, not telling her mother and avoiding treatment. Even when she did decide to go for treatment she would drive halfway to the hospital and then turn around, not able to face it. It was only when Naniki contacted us and joined the closed Facebook Group, CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope, that she got the support and encouragement she needed to have treatment. Because Naniki had waited so long, the cancer had gone deep, and was very close to the bone. So her surgery was quite invasive including the removal of lymph nodes in her groin. Today, Naniki is cancer free, and believes that she’s living her purpose in life. That purpose goes back to age 16 when she had a dream in which she was told that she was going to get up, travel and spread a message. With summer here, the risk of sun damage turning into cancer is at its highest. Of the three types of skin cancer, Melanoma is the most lethal and aggressive. But you can take action to protect yourself. Importantly, do regular skin checks, and see a dermatologist for anything that seems irregular. Cover up and wear a hat especially when the sun is at its most fierce – between 10am and 4pm – and use a quality CANSA Smartchoice sunscreen. Then you can join Naniki in spreading the message of cancer awareness. And look out for and share our SunSmart Campaign this month. Click here to learn more. You can also click here to donate now, and send your gift to support our many free services including testing, and screening for early diagnosis. You could help to save someone’s life. Yours sincerely, Elize Joubert DONATE VIA SNAPSCAN How Your Donation Helps Fight Cancer Leave a Bequest Share Tweet Forward