Have you heard? It's not long until we’ll be unveiling the new KFTV website... The new KFTV will showcase new features including improved search functionality, featured profiles and services across the globe and the newly launched KFTV Network, featuring key industry experts providing their insights around international production. will maintain its comprehensive database of international production suppliers as well as provide exclusive content including news stories, interviews and guides to filming across the globe. The launch of the new site comes after the KFTV team conducted a user survey and have implemented changes suggested in the feedback received. We would love to hear your thoughts around the new design once we’ve launched and you’ve had a chance to explore the new features. Please email us at [email protected] with any comments you may have about the new-look site. We look forward to hearing from you! FIND OUT MORE >>Kind Regards, The KFTV Team You are receiving this email as a user of an MBI product.2019 MBI. All rights reserved. MBI is registered in England & Wales. Registered office: Zetland House, 5-25 Scrutton Street, London EC2A 4HJ. Company Registration number: 8248880. Please click on unsubscribe below if you no longer wish to receive KFTV sales visits emails. Unsubscribe |