A beautiful autumn begins...
Dear John,

For those of us fortunate enough to work at Harbin as we rebuild, fall is one of our favorite times of year. Most days are still warm and sunny, but now without summer’s fierce heat and smoke. The trees are beginning to reveal their brighter autumn colors – including the many donated deciduous trees we recently planted around Mainside and the Meadow. And thanks to a blessed early rain, the first tender shoots of green grass have just started sprouting through our baked-brown fields and hillsides.

Amidst this seasonal change, our work to complete the pools and prepare Harbin for our guests’ eventual return continues – as do the many challenges we face, including ongoing fire threats, unexpected power outages, regulatory and financial hurdles, labor and resource competition, and more. Fortunately for all of us, though, some very beautiful progress is being made, and we have lovely pictures to share. For an extended photo tour of Harbin this past week, please click here – and enjoy!
Harbin Hot Springs, P.O. Box 782, Middletown, CA 95461