Dear fellow South Carolinians,
As we all look forward to a day filled with good food and even better company, I hope we each take a minute to stop and give thanks for the many blessings we all enjoy as South Carolinians and as Americans.
While it sometimes seems we live in an age that is non-stop, I hope today you take the opportunity to truly pause and reflect. May we remember what makes this time of year so special, and come together as a state and nation with hearts of gratitude.
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful to be serving you and representing the greatest state in the United States Senate. While we may not always agree on every issue, I am grateful for your support, feedback and concerns, as they help me to continue to work hard to serve our state as best I can.
Today, I am especially grateful for our military men and women, who continue to protect our freedoms, and may be away from their own families this holiday season. Without their devotion and bravery, we could not enjoy the blessings of liberty. May we never take the freedoms we enjoy for granted, and cherish them a little bit extra today.
As you gather with friends and family today, I hope you pass along this message of thanksgiving. I wish each and every one of you a holiday season filled with laughter, joy and the warmth of loved ones!
Happy Thanksgiving!