How to fend off cyberattacks and data breaches

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CSO Update

Apr 02, 2017
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Hackers continue to troll LinkedIn

These attacks are becoming more common because it’s easy and inexpensive. Cylance has created some tips to help fend off these attacks. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

How to fend off cyberattacks and data breaches
The CSO guide to top security conferences
IP theft: Declining, or just more stealthy?
Here's how Microsoft is helping companies build IoT hardware

White Paper: Lookout Mobile Security

Are You Prepared? The Future of Enterprise Mobile Security

As threats to enterprise mobility continue to intensify, the mobile security industry is evolving quickly. In this report, Lookout co-founders John Hering and Kevin Mahaffey share their predictions for what important new changes are coming and how you can best prepare your organization for success. Read More

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How to fend off cyberattacks and data breaches

Experts in online security and data protection explain how smaller businesses can prevent security breaches and digital attacks. Read More

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The CSO guide to top security conferences

CSO Online’s calendar of upcoming security conferences makes it easy to find the events that matter the most to you. Read More

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IP theft: Declining, or just more stealthy?

China and the US agreed 18 months ago to stop “knowingly” tolerating economic espionage. According to some studies, the agreement is working. Others aren’t so sure, however. Read More

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Here's how Microsoft is helping companies build IoT hardware

One of the biggest challenges with building connected hardware is getting from proof-of-concept (PoC) prototypes to a devices that are ready for a large-scale production rollout. Microsoft is aiming to help with that issue through a trio of lab spaces that allow companies to come in and work with experts on building internet-connected hardware. Read More

White Paper: Couchbase

Benchmark: MongoDB 3.2 vs. Couchbase Server 4.5 for Query and Read/Write Performance

How do the latest releases of two leading NoSQL databases compare on both read/write and query performance? The emerging technologies thought leader Avalon Consulting, LLC benchmarked MongoDB 3.2 and Couchbase Server 4.5 to find out. These big data experts ran industry standard (YCSB) workloads for both read/write and query. Read More

Top 5 Stories

1. LastPass is scrambling to fix another serious vulnerability
2. AI will transform information security, but it won't happen overnight
3. 10 security risks of wearables
4. Three privacy tools that block your Internet provider from tracking you
5. Study finds devices are not wiped properly

Editor's Picks

1. 15 hot, new security and privacy apps for Android and iOS
2. How to get creative with your penetration testing
3. 5 security bolstering strategies that won't break the bank
4. What's wrong with this picture? The NEW clean desk test
5. Inside an attack by the Syrian Electronic Army
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