TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 23, 2017

No Thanks to Thanksgiving

By Robert Jensen, AlterNet

Let's atone for the genocide that was incited by the very men we idolize as our founding fathers. READ MORE»

Here Comes the Next Big Right-Wing Attack on Our Voting Systems

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Right-wingers are using bad data and shoddy methodology to push localities to purge infrequent voters. READ MORE»

How Gutting Net Neutrality Poses a Direct Threat to Political Organizing

By Amy Goodman, Juan González, Democracy Now!

The FCC's Ajit Pai ignores public support and laws upholding equal internet access. READ MORE»

Trump Is About to Provoke a Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Tens of thousands of Haitian refugees are being told to leave. Here’s why that may be a problem in three years. READ MORE»

Libya Is Home to a 21st-Century Slave Market and the UN Security Council Won't Act

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

A horrifying CNN report reveals concentration camps and human lives on the auction block. READ MORE»

Your Taxpayer Dollars Are Funding Corporate Propaganda

By Anna Meyer, OtherWords

Congress wants to spend millions peddling corporate talking points on GMOs. READ MORE»

4 Ways Right-Wing Media Are Shilling for Tax Reform (and Why They're Wrong)

By Julie Alderman, Media Matters

As usual, the GOP tax scam takes from the poor to give to the rich.  READ MORE»

Trump's Judicial Picks: 'The Goal Is to End the Progressive State'

By Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian

Donald Trump is radically reshaping the same federal courts that have been the biggest bulwark against his agenda—by picking mostly white, conservative men. READ MORE»

C-SPAN Cuts off Caller Who Advises Roy Moore Victims to Say 'He Has a Tiny Little' Penis

By David Edwards, Raw Story

The staid network was in no mood for jokes.  READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: This Thanksgiving, Break the Colonial Mold and Have an Earth Dinner

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Most of us don't realize that our dinner tells many stories. READ MORE»

Type of Alcohol Determines Whether You Become Merry or Maudlin—Study

By Nicola Davis, The Guardian

Spirits are associated with confidence and red wine is linked to relaxation—and researchers hope findings will help people consider alcohol’s emotional effects. READ MORE»

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